Tolerancyjność islamu daje się we znaki: 2265 zabitych w 25 krajach – październik 2016 r.

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Czy ambulans może być samochodem-pułapką? Dla Allaha TAK! Nawet jeśli trzeba zabić innych muzułmanów, których się uzna za niezbyt prawdziwych muzułmanów. Na zdjęciu powyżej – wybuch ambulansu na parkingu autokarów w Iraku zabił co najmniej 25 pielgrzymów muzułmańskich (szyitów).


Nie ma wątpliwości, że islam to religia pokoju, a Koran to księga miłosierdzia. W ciągu ostatnich 30 dni od 10 października do 8 listopada 2016 r. w 25 krajach na całym świecie miało miejsce 199 ataków terrorystycznych w imię Allaha. Liczba zabitych wyniosła 2265, a rannych 3176, ku wielkiej radości Allaha miłującego pokój. Poniżej tabela ze strony, której naprawdę nie chce mi się tłumaczyć na polski. Wystarczą liczby i nazwy krajów, by przekonać się, że nic w islamie nie sugeruje wojny i zabijania niewiernych.

Zauważmy, że 31.10 w Indiach zamordowano Hindusa, który nie dał pieniędzy na muzułmańskie cele dobroczynne. To dopiero jest przykład tolerancyjności!

Polecamy również:

Licznik ofiar dla Allaha – 1165 zabitych we wrześniu 2016

Najnowsze osiągnięcia religii pokoju – 2221 zabitych, 2245 rannych (czerwiec 2016)

Najnowsze osiągnięcia religii pokoju – 1200 zabitych, 2000 rannych (maj 2016)

Krwawe żniwo religii pokoju – 1983 zabitych w ciągu miesiąca

Czy wiesz, że… ludzkość jest wrogiem Allaha?

Data Kraj Miasto Zabitych Rannych Description
2016.11.08 Kamerun Limani 2 3 Two civilians lose their lives defending their homes from a Boko Haram attack.
2016.11.07 Irak Hamam al-Alil 100 0 Znaleziono masowy pochówek z ciałami 100 osób, którym ścięto głowy.
2016.11.06 Irak Tikrit 13 25 Terrorysta-samobójca (szahid, czyli świadek Allaha) wysadził się w powietrze w ambulansie, zabijając pięć studentek.
2016.11.04 Pakistan North Nazimabad 1 0 Imam zastrzelony strzałem w głowę przez prawdziwszych od niego muzułmanów, kiedy stał na rynku i karmił gołębie.
2016.11.04 Jordania Mann 3 0 Three Americans are shot to death in their car by suspected Islamists.
2016.11.04 Afganistan Sur Gadah 1 1 A Taliban bomb claims the life of a local journalist.
2016.11.04 Irak Hawijah 18 5 Kobiety i dzieci usiłujące uciec spod władzy Kalifatu zostały wysadzone w powietrze w autobusie.
2016.11.03 Afganistan Kosa Qala 11 12 Eleven civilians on their way to a wedding are disintegrated by a Taliban bomb.
2016.11.02 Pakistan Islamabad 1 0 A man is assassinated in front of his wife in his own home by terrorists.
2016.11.02 Kenia Burte-Mangate 2 4 An Islamist IED takes out two members of a security patrol.
2016.11.02 Tailandia Muang 1 0 A 23-year-old man is murdered by Muslim ‚insurgents’.
2016.11.02 Tailandia Songkhla 2 3 Muslim bombers kill two security guards at a car dealership.
2016.11.01 Afganistan Parwan 7 0 Seven civilians on their way to a wedding are vaporized by Taliban bombers.
2016.11.01 DRC Kitevya 6 2 Six villagers are shot to death by ADF Islamists.
2016.11.01 Syria Raqqa 6 0 Six locals are brutally executed by the Islamic State.
2016.11.01 Pakistan Wah 1 0 A Shiite leader is assassinated by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.
2016.11.01 Syria Manbij 69 672 Wśród ofiar, które wpadły na miny wracając do swoich domów wyzwolonych spod władzy Państwa Islamskiego jest co najmniej 19 dzieci.
2016.11.01 Irak Hawija 4 9 ISIS bombers target fleeing families, picking off four members.
2016.11.01 Irak Tal Afar 15 30 Fifteen Shiites are reportedly killed by ISIS booby-traps.
2016.10.31 Indie Bahina More 1 2 Młody Hindus został zamordowany za to, że nie dał pieniędzy na muzułmańską „dobroczynność”.
2016.10.31 Indie Bhopal 1 0 Jailed SIMI extremists slit the throat of a prison guard.
2016.10.31 Egipt Bir el-Abd 1 0 Sharia proponents attack and kill a local soldier.
2016.10.31 Irak Abu Dasheer 2 8 Two civilians at a market are shredded by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2016.10.31 Irak Baghdad 8 23 Eight people are blown to bits when Mujahideen bomb a market.
2016.10.31 Irak Baghdad 6 19 A series of bomb blasts by terrorists leaves six dead.
2016.10.31 Afganistan Jalalabad 6 6 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out six civilians.
2016.10.30 Irak Hurriyah 10 34 Jihadis set off a car bomb at a vegetable market that pulverizes ten souls.
2016.10.30 Irak Baghdad 2 0 Fundamentalists murder two teens for wearing ’emo-style’ clothing, then hang their bodies.
2016.10.30 Irak Mosul 9 0 Nine Iraqis are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.10.30 Syria Idlib 2 0 An elderly man is among two civilians shot in the back of the head by Jabhat al-Nusra.
2016.10.30 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 A transgender is hacked to death by family following a sex change operation.
2016.10.30 Egipt al-Arish 0 6 A Sunday morning suicide bomber detonates along a city street.
2016.10.30 Syria Aleppo 2 6 Two children are crushed to death in a Sunni rocket barrage.
2016.10.30 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 30 An ISIS explosive claims the life of a woman.
2016.10.30 Syria Aleppo 2 37 A terrorist chemical attack kills two and injures thirty.
2016.10.30 Syria Aleppo 7 158 Two days of massive ISIS bombardment leave another seven civilians dead.
2016.10.30 Algieria Constantine 1 0 An off-duty cop is murdered by ISIS gunmen while dining at a restaurant.
2016.10.30 Arabia Saydyjska Qatif 1 1 Islamic radicals gun down a traffic cop.
2016.10.30 Afganistan Baghlan-e-Markazi 7 1 Talibowie zamordowali 3 kobiety i czworo dzieci w ich własnych domach.
2016.10.30 Nigeria Borno 9 20 Nine others are left dead following a Boko Haram ambush.
2016.10.29 Irak Mosul 40 0 Forty Iraqis are executed by the Islamic State and thrown into a river.
2016.10.29 Afganistan Kandahar 1 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends one other soul to Allah.
2016.10.29 Nigeria Talala 17 3 Seventeen Nigerians are ambushed and murdered by Boko Haram.
2016.10.29 Libia Benghazi 4 23 An Ansar al-Sharia shell lays out four civilians.
2016.10.29 Irak Mosul 100 0 One-hundred more citizens are reportedly executed by caliphate members.
2016.10.29 Irak Baghdad 7 20 A Fedayeen suicide bomber targets Shiite pilgrims gathered at a tent, killing seven.
2016.10.29 Nigeria Bakasi 5 11 A female suicide bomber detonates at a camp for displaced persons, blowing five to bits.
2016.10.29 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 6 Three people are left dead after a suicide bomber takes out three people at a gas station.
2016.10.29 Pakistan Karachi 5 6 Sunni hardliners on motorcycles fire into a gathering of Shiite worshippers, mowing down six.
2016.10.29 Egipt Sheikh Zuweid 2 4 Fundamentalists set off a bomb that takes the lives of two local cops.
2016.10.28 Indie Naina 1 0 Terroryści muzułmańscy zamordowali kobietę.
2016.10.28 Irak Shirqat 20 16 At least twenty are killed by an Islamic State suicide car bomber.
2016.10.28 Irak Mosul 22 0 Twenty-two civilians are electrocuted by the Islamic State.
2016.10.28 Indie Macchil 1 0 A border guard is killed and mutilated by Islamic terrorists.
2016.10.28 Egipt Cairo 1 1 A civilian dies from a bomb planted by suspected Islamists.
2016.10.28 Syria Aleppo 15 106 Women and children are among fifteen reported dead after a long series of rocket attacks by Sunni militants.
2016.10.28 Tailandia Mayo 1 1 Muslim gunmen pull up to a car full of teachers and shoot two.
2016.10.28 Irak Mosul 1 0 Sunnici (muzułmanie) złapali szyitę (muzułmanina), znęcali się nad nim i w końcu zamordowali.
2016.10.28 Syria Raqqa 5 0 Pięciu chrześcijan zamordowano w majestacie Prawa Islamskiego.
2016.10.27 Libia Benghazi 10 0 Ten bodies are found bound and executed.
2016.10.27 Irak Mosul 52 0 Fifty-two Iraqis are executed by Islamic State firing squads.
2016.10.27 Czecznia Pervomayskoye 5 0 A judge is assassinated by suspected Islamic militants.
2016.10.27 Syria Hamadaniyeh 3 1 Three brothers are killed when a Sunni rocket hits their home.
2016.10.27 Syria Aleppo 3 14 Three children at a school are disassembled by Sunni shrapnel.
2016.10.27 CAR Grimari 10 12 Ten villagers are murdered in cold blood by militant Muslims.
2016.10.27 Irak Basra 1 0 Shiite radicals murder a shop owner for selling alcohol following a national ban.
2016.10.27 Pakistan Malir 2 0 A married couple is strangled on orders of a jirga because the woman left her former husband.
2016.10.27 Nigeria Ungwar Missi 7 3 Two men in their 80s are among seven civilians butchered by Fulani terrorists.
2016.10.27 Irak Baghdad 1 4 One person bleeds out from splinter injuries after fundamentalists throw a grenade into a liquor store.
2016.10.26 Irak Fadiliya 5 0 At least five Iraqis are killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.10.26 Pakistan Sakhi Pul 1 0 A polio vaccinator is gunned down by Islamists.
2016.10.26 Irak Chemakol 9 0 Nine displaced persons die from ISIS booby-traps after returning to their homes.
2016.10.26 Irak Hammam Al-Alil 232 0 Mężczyźni i chłopcy zamordowani po tym, jak wykorzystano ich jako żywe tarcze.
2016.10.25 Arabia Saudyjska Dammam 2 0 Shiite radicals ambush and kill two local cops.
2016.10.25 Irak Mosul 23 0 Two-dozen prisoners are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.10.25 Tailandia Muang 1 0 An irrigation project employee is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2016.10.25 Afganistan Ghor 33 0 Children are among thirty civilians abducted and murdered by the Islamic State.
2016.10.25 Irak Rufeila 6 4 Three women and three children are shot to death by Islamists for lagging behind a forced relocation.
2016.10.25 Arabia Saudyjska Najran 1 1 A foreign laborer is laid out by an Ansarullah rocket.
2016.10.25 Somalia Beledweyne 17 0 al-Shabaab claims to have killed 17 security personnel with a suicide car bomb.
2016.10.25 Kenia Mandera 12 0 Islamiści zaatakowali hotel chrześcijański zabijając 12 osób.
2016.10.25 Irak Mosul 9 0 Nine members are fried alive by the caliphate in an oil-pit.
2016.10.25 Irak Tulul Naser 70 0 Seventy victims of an ISIS execution are found in a mass grave.
2016.10.24 Irak Baghdad 11 35 A series of Jihad bomb blasts leaves eleven dead.
2016.10.24 Irak Mosul 6 10 A bomb targeting families fleeing the caliphate picks off six.
2016.10.24 Tailandia Pattani 1 18 A 60-year-old Buddhist woman is killed, and a teen loses her eye and leg, as Muslims bomb a noodle shop.
2016.10.24 Syria Aleppo 3 28 A 7-year-old girl is among three civilians crushed by Sunni rockets.
2016.10.24 Pakistan Charsadda 1 0 A man on his way to work is assassinated by Islamic State gunmen.
2016.10.24 Pakistan Quetta 61 165 Sixty-one police trainees are massacred by a massive Lashkar-e-Jhangvi suicide attack.
2016.10.24 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 An intelligence officer is assassinated by al-Shabaab.
2016.10.24 Pakistan Daudzai 1 0 A blast targeting a polio team takes out a guard.
2016.10.24 Indie Suchetgarh 2 8 A child is among two killed by cross-border fire from Pakistan.
2016.10.24 Afganistan Torkham 8 3 Eight border guards are machine-gunned point-blank by religious radicals.
2016.10.24 Kamerun Waramide 1 6 Dwie kobiety-samobójczynie wysadziły się w powietrze raniąc 6 osób i zabijając jedną.
2016.10.23 Irak Mosul 50 0 Fifty Iraqis are rounded up and executed by ISIS for having served in the police.
2016.10.23 Somalia Mogadishu 3 7 An al-Shabaab bombing outside a tire shop claims three lives.
2016.10.23 Irak Rutba 7 0 Three suicide bombers kill seven Iraqis.
2016.10.23 Irak Nimrod 40 0 ISIS militants return to a town and execute forty residents who had been celebrating their liberation prematurely.
2016.10.22 Tailandia Yarang 1 1 Muslim ‚insurgents’ fire on a man and his young son while they are hunting, killing him and injuring the child.
2016.10.22 Irak Mosul 16 0 Sixteen people are thrown off a bridge by Islamic State loyalists.
2016.10.22 Irak Beaver Ridge, WV 76 200 Islamic terrorists fan out across a city and massacre over seventy in a series of shootings and suicide bombings.
2016.10.22 Egipt Cairo 1 0 A senior army officer is gunned down on the doorstep of his home by Liwa al-Thawra.
2016.10.22 Afganistan Faizabad 3 3 A woman and two children are torn to pieces by a Taliban mine.
2016.10.21 Afganistan Kokuldash 6 10 Armed fundamentalists ambush and murder six Afghans.
2016.10.21 Irak Kirkuk 1 0 A journalist with two kids is picked off by an ISIS sniper.
2016.10.21 Irak Kirkuk 6 45 ISIS militants storm a hotel, killing at least a half a dozen.
2016.10.21 Irak Mosul 284 0 284 osób cywilnych, w tym dzieci, zamordowano na drodze Allaha.
2016.10.21 Irak Kirkuk 16 3 Three suicide bombers enter a power plant and massacre sixteen administrators, engineers and technicians.
2016.10.21 Irak Mutasim 3 15 Two suicide bombers exterminate three family members in their own home.
2016.10.20 Irak Arab Ejbur 2 4 A Jihad bomb blast claims two lives.
2016.10.20 Irak Sabaa al-Bour 3 6 Three people at a market are sectionalized by Mujahideen shrapnel.
2016.10.20 Irak Nahran 2 9 A vicious terror attack on a commercial district lays out two bystanders.
2016.10.20 Indonezja Tangerang 0 3 A Jamaah Ansharut Daulah member stabs three cops while praising Allah.
2016.10.20 Syria Aleppo 1 7 A Sunni rocket takes out a Syrian child.
2016.10.20 Irak Qayyarah 2 500 ISIS blows up a chemical plant, killing two people and injuring over five-hundred.
2016.10.19 Afganistan Kabul 2 0 Two Americans are shot in the back by a Taliban in coalition uniform.
2016.10.19 Irak al-Hud 1 0 A man is murdered by Islamists for carrying an Iraqi flag.
2016.10.19 Irak Azba 16 0 Sixteen civilians are rounded up by the Islamic State, forced into a mass grave and machine-gunned.
2016.10.19 Irak Safina 15 0 Fifteen civilians are executed by ISIS and dumped in a river.
2016.10.19 Irak Safina 6 0 Six civilians are tied to a vehicle and dragged to death by caliphate members.
2016.10.18 Somalia Afgoye 11 30 A suicide bomber followed by an assault leaves eleven dead Somalis.
2016.10.18 Irak Mosul 2 0 Dwóch mężczyn zmuszono do klęczenia, po czym zostali zastrzeleni przez nieletnich chłopców.
2016.10.18 Irak Mosul 5 0 Five Kurds are killed by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2016.10.18 Irak Nasir 1 0 Three ISIS suicide bombers manage to kill only one other person.
2016.10.18 Pakistan Jaar 1 1 A Taliban landmine lays out a local.
2016.10.17 Irak Mosul 2 0 Two children are pulled into pieces by an Islamic State bomb.
2016.10.17 Irak Hawija 5 7 Five refugees are picked off by Islamic State bombers.
2016.10.17 Irak Zammar 5 2 An ISIS rocket claims five civilians.
2016.10.17 Kenia Mandera 1 0 A passerby is shot when police bust an Islamist plot to attack a school.
2016.10.17 Egipt Abu Taweela 5 8 Fundamentalists attack and kill five members of a security patrol.
2016.10.17 Egipt Mokataa 1 0 A police officer is picked off by an Islamic sniper.
2016.10.17 Egipt Gora 1 2 Religious extremists take out a policeman with a bomb.
2016.10.17 Egipt Shiekh Zuweid 1 1 A local cop is murdered by Islamists.
2016.10.17 Pakistan Karachi 1 9 A teenager bleeds to death after Sunnis throw a grenade into a Shiite mosque.
2016.10.17 Nigeria Galwyi 4 0 Fulani gunmen massacre four villagers.
2016.10.17 Irak Yusufiya 10 25 A brutal suicide blast at a checkpoint leaves ten dead.
2016.10.17 Irak Mosul 1 0 A graffiti artist is sprayed with paint and shot in the head by the Islamic State.
2016.10.16 Nigeria Ghashghar 20 22 A surprise attack by Boko Haram leaves twenty others dead.
2016.10.16 Turcja Gaziantep 3 8 An ISIS suicide bomber detonates during a police raid, killing three officers.
2016.10.16 Irak Sharqat 12 0 Women and children are among a dozen killed while trying to flee the Islamic State.
2016.10.16 Indie Bengaluru 1 0 A Hindu leader’s throat is slit in broad daylight by a Islamic supremacist.
2016.10.16 Pakistan Barmal 2 1 Two border guards are murdered by Islamic radicals.
2016.10.16 Syria Rakban 3 20 A Shahid suicide bomber claims three lives at a refugee camp.
2016.10.16 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 The handicapped son of a Shiite cleric is tortured and murdered by dedicated Sunnis.
2016.10.16 Syria Aleppo 3 29 Two women are among three civilians disassembled by terrorist rockets.
2016.10.16 Irak Dibis 4 5 Islamic State bombers target fleeing families, killing four members.
2016.10.16 Irak Baghdad 6 21 Six Shiite pilgrims in a procession are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.10.16 Niemcy Hamburg 1 1 Dwóch nastolatków niemieckich zasztyletowanych przez „zradykalizowanego” muzułmanina.
2016.10.15 Irak Baghdad 4 10 Four Shiite mourners are ripped apart by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2016.10.15 Nigeria Godogodo 48 24 Fulani terrorists target a Christian village, killing forty-eight people and burning their homes.
2016.10.15 CAR Ngakobo 11 10 Eleven people at a displaced persons camp are shot to death by militant Muslims.
2016.10.15 Irak Mutaibija 8 11 Eight police are gunned down point-blank at a checkpoint by Sharia state advocates.
2016.10.15 Irak Ishaq 4 0 A woman and her three children are machine-gunned in their home by Jihadis warriors.
2016.10.15 Nigeria Tudun Wada 2 10 Two Shiites are murdered by militant youth.
2016.10.15 Indie Mumbai 1 0 Muslims barge into a Hindu activist’s home and shoot him in the head.
2016.10.15 Irak Baghdad 41 33 At least forty-three innocents are exterminated by a Sunni suicide blast at a Shiite funeral tent.
2016.10.14 Irak Baghdad 2 11 Two people at a market are vaporized by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2016.10.14 Irak Kirkuk 5 0 Five young men are executed for helping families escape the caliphate.
2016.10.14 Irak Baghdad 2 6 Jihadis murder two people at a market.
2016.10.14 Indie Srinagar 1 8 Islamic extremists fire at a group of police, killing one member.
2016.10.14 Somalia Qoryoley 2 0 Islamists take out two children, ages 1 and 9, with a well-placed mortar.
2016.10.14 Somalia Jilib 2 0 Two people are ‚savagely’ executed by al-Shabaab.
2016.10.14 Pakistan Peshawar 1 1 A double suicide bombing and separate shooting leave one victim dead.
2016.10.14 Syria Hazakah 5 3 Five people at a Kurdish checkpoint are leveled by an ISIS bomb blast.
2016.10.14 Libia Sirte 14 25 ISIS snipers pick off fourteen Libyans.
2016.10.14 Egipt Bir al-Abd 12 8 Religious extremists machine-gun a dozen local cops.
2016.10.14 Libia Benghazi 0 5 Five children are injured when an ISIS rocket lands outside a sports stadium.
2016.10.13 Jordania Naur 2 0 Two women, ages 20 and 34, are honor killed by their own brothers.
2016.10.13 Niger Abalak 1 1 Radical Muslims kill a guard at a Christian mission and kidnap an aid worker.
2016.10.13 Irak Mosul 7 0 Seven civilians are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.10.13 Afganistan Kabul 1 2 A civilian is killed by a Taliban bomb.
2016.10.13 Somalia Mahaday 1 6 A bomb at a tea shop claims the life of one patron.
2016.10.13 Mali Segou 4 9 A group linked to al-Qaeda ambushes a security patrol and kills four members.
2016.10.13 Somalia Baidoa 6 7 al-Shabaab bombers kill six Somalis.
2016.10.13 Syria Bab al Salama 23 25 Twenty-three people are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2016.10.12 Indie Kharagpur 1 0 A Hindu is stabbed to death in a targeted attack by militant Muslims.
2016.10.12 Syria Aleppo 8 25 Four children are among eight civilians shattered by Sunni rockets.
2016.10.12 Nigeria Tudun Wada 4 0 Muslim youth brutally lynch four members of the Shiite minority community.
2016.10.12 Afganistan Maza-e-Sharif 14 36 Fourteen worshippers at a Shiite mosque are annihilated by a suicide bomber.
2016.10.12 Indie Kupwara 1 0 A political activist is assassinated by militant Muslims.
2016.10.12 Nigeria Maiduguri 8 15 A female suicide bomber claims eight innocent lives.
2016.10.12 Irak Mosul 1 0 A man his beheaded by his own son for insulting the caliph.
2016.10.12 Irak Baghdad 2 9 Jihadis bomb a packed market, killing two patrons.
2016.10.12 CAR Kaga Bandoro 30 57 Muslim militia hack thirty Christian refugees to death.
2016.10.12 Burkina Faso Intangom 5 3 Two civilians and three border guards are murdered by suspected al-Qaeda.
2016.10.12 Irak Sadr City 1 0 Sectarian activists pick off a rival with a sticky bomb.
2016.10.11 Afganistan Mehtarlam 4 22 A Taliban attack leaves four dead.
2016.10.11 Indie Shopian 2 4 Two members are killed when terrorists throw grenades at a police patrol.
2016.10.11 Syria Mashi 10 20 A Fedayeen suicide bomber turns ten people into disparate parts.
2016.10.11 Syria Daraa 5 15 Five children are shredded in their school cafeteria by Sunni shrapnel.
2016.10.11 Afganistan Kabul 18 62 A dedicated Sunni gunmen enters a Shiite shrine and massacres eighteen worshippers.
2016.10.11 Irak Hawija 1 9 A child is exterminated by ISIS bombers targeting families fleeing the caliphate.
2016.10.11 Irak Manshi 9 20 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends nine souls to Allah.
2016.10.11 Nigeria Kwashebe 5 3 Five villagers are left dead after a surprise rampage by Boko Haram.
2016.10.11 Irak Dandanah 2 6 At least two people are murdered by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.10.10 Syria Abu Kamal 2 0 At least two men are stoned to death.
2016.10.10 Afganistan Lashkar Gah 14 15 At least fourteen people are laid out by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2016.10.10 Irak Kirkuk 6 0 Video shows at least six residents rounded up and machine-gunned by Muslims being ‚true to their covenant with Allah’.
2016.10.10 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 al-Shabaab members set of a bomb at a market, claiming one life.
2016.10.10 Irak Mosul 3 0 Three employees of a satellite channel are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.10.10 Irak Qayyara 12 2 A dozen civilians are torn limb from limb by several well-placed ISIS rockets.
2016.10.10 Irak Baqubah 6 1 Six people are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide car bomber.