Krwawe żniwo dla Allaha: 1702 zabitych i 1969 rannych w listopadzie 2016 r.

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Muzułmanie całego świata nie ustają w szerzeniu pokoju. W październiku 2016 r. zamordowano dla Allaha 2265 osób w 25 krajach, w listopadzie natomiast w wyniku 190 akcji pokojowego islamu w 24 krajach świata zginęły 1702 osoby, a 1969 zostało ciężko rannych. Dane pochodzą ze strony, gdzie każdy udokumentowany przypadek jest uwzględniony w zliczaniu ciał, a liczby są podawane rzetelnie. Poniżej tabela z opisem w języku angielskim, za wyjątkiem kilku sytuacji, które przetłumaczyliśmy na polski, by polscy czytelnicy mieli wyobrażenie, co może czekać Polskę w wyniku islamizacji.

Powinniśmy zwrócić uwagę na to, że na liście krajów, w których muzułmanie aktywnie wprowadzają pokój, pojawiają się coraz częściej kraje niemuzułmańskie, jak Indie, USA, Tajlandia, Filipiny, oraz kraje stuprocentowo muzułmańskie, gdzie „niewiernych” wytępiono już wiele lat temu, jak Arabia Saudyjska, Jemen, Afganistan, a także kraje w większości chrześcijańskie, gdzie ataków dokonują gorliwi muzułmanie z sąsiedniego kraju, jak w przypadku Kamerunu cierpiącego z powodu ataków nigeryjskiego Kalifatu. W wielu wypadkach szyici mordują sunnitów i odwrotnie; w tym miesiącu takie zabójstwo miało miejsce w Autonomii Palestyńskiej, która podobno walczy z Izraelem. Krew dla Allaha leje się wszędzie, i niewiele brakuje, a w ślady Iraku i Syrii, gdzie masakry dla Allaha sięgają koszmarnych rozmiarów, pójdą kolejne kraje.

Data Kraj Miasto Zabitych Rannych Opis
2016.11.29 Indie Nagrota 7 14 Seven defenders are killed when Islamic militants stage a suicide attack on a security base.
2016.11.28 USA Columbus, OH 0 11 Imigrant muzułmański zranił nożem 11 osób wykrzykując, że chce pozabijać niewiernych.
2016.11.26 Somalia Galmadug 15 14 Fifteen people are killed by al-Shabaab when they resist zakat, including eight that were beheaded.
2016.11.26 Irak Hawija 2 1 A mother and son are vaporized by Islamic State shrapnel.
2016.11.26 Somalia Mogadishu 25 53 Szahid – terrorysta samobójca wysadził się w powietrze u wejścia na rynek zabijając 25 przechodniów.
2016.11.25 Afganistan Jalalabad 5 27 A child is among five killed in two Islamic State bomb blasts.
2016.11.25 Pakistan Sahiwal 2 0 A senior Shia journalist and his son are cut down by Sunni gunmen.
2016.11.24 Syria Harasta 6 2 A half-dozen civilians are killed when Jaish al-Islam loyalists pour rocket fire into their neighborhood.
2016.11.24 Egipt al-Arish 8 12 Fedayeen suicide bombers murder eight people manning a checkpoint.
2016.11.24 Irak Mosul 5 0 Three children and their parents are executed on personal order of the caliph.
2016.11.24 Pakistan Razar 1 1 A popular police officer is assassinated by Islamic militants.
2016.11.24 Tajlandia Songkhla 1 0 Terrorysta muzułmański przejeżdżając na motocyklu koło szkoły zaczął strzelać, zabijając ochroniarza.
2016.11.24 Irak Hillah 97 40 Ciężarówka naładowana materiałami wybuchowymi pozbawiła życia ok. 100 pielgrzymów szyickich.
2016.11.23 Irak Hayy al-Samah 6 30 Sześcioro kobiet i dzieci zginęło w wyniku ostrzału osiedla przez Państwo Islamskie.
2016.11.23 Syria Quneitra 2 21 Two civilians are killed when Sunni militants shell a rival neighborhood.
2016.11.23 Irak Baghdad 31 103 Thirty-one people are killed in various Jihadi attacks.
2016.11.23 Pakistan Karkanai 1 0 A local official is assassinated by Taliban bombers.
2016.11.23 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A suicide bomber kills one other person at a garage.
2016.11.23 Nigeria Huyim 2 4 Two others are left dead following a Boko Haram attack on a village.
2016.11.22 Irak Mosul 3 0 Three doctors are picked off by ISIS snipers.
2016.11.22 Kamerun Darak 6 0 Islamic law advocates murder six people on an island.
2016.11.22 Indie Kashmir 3 0 Pakistanis sneak across the border and behead three border guards.
2016.11.22 Pakistan Peshawar 3 5 Jamaatul Ahrar Islamists use an IED to kill three people.
2016.11.22 Jemen Aden 1 0 A man is cut down outside his home by Islamic State gunmen.
2016.11.22 Irak Erbil 1 0 A moderate cleric is gunned down in his home by suspected rivals.
2016.11.22 Irak Mosul 15 0 Fifteen Iraqis are beheaded by the Islamic State, which then parades the bodies.
2016.11.22 Irak Moharibeen 14 8 Children are among fourteen innocents who lose their lives to two ISIS car bomb blasts.
2016.11.22 Somalia Lower Shabelle 2 4 al-Shabaab members attack and kill two African peacekeepers.
2016.11.22 Irak Mosul 1 0 Siedmioletnie dziecko zostało zastrzelone przez bojówkarza ISIS, walczącego na drodze Allaha o pokój na całym świecie.
2016.11.21 Afganistan Kabul 32 50 Ponad 30 szyitów modlących się w meczecie zginęło w wyniku ataku samobójczego sunnickiego szahida.
2016.11.21 Afganistan Kabul 1 1 The Taliban kill one person with a magnetic bomb.
2016.11.21 Libia Benghazi 3 20 Islamists are suspected of a car bomb blast that kills three children.
2016.11.21 Irak Nineveh 1 0 Shiite militia (El-Hashab el-Sharbi) shoot a Sunni teen and run over him with a tank.
2016.11.21 Irak Baghdad 2 4 The Islamic State drop a mortar into a neighborhood, killing two residents.
2016.11.21 Irak Husba 12 0 Twelve policemen are forced to their knees and shot in the back of the head by Islamic State members.
2016.11.20 Syria Furqan 10 59 Sunni militants send a rocket into a school, killing ten students.
2016.11.20 Somalia Mogadishu 2 2 An Islamist bomb blast lays out two traffic cops.
2016.11.20 Irak Baghdad 10 34 At least ten people are killed in a wave of Islamic State bombings of commercial districts.
2016.11.20 Irak Tahrir 30 5 Dozen of Iraqis are blown to bits by Shahid suicide car bombers.
2016.11.20 Mali Northern 5 0 Jihadists murder five guards escorting ballot boxes.
2016.11.20 Irak Mosul 4 4 A Fedayeen suicide bomber claims the lives of four civilians.
2016.11.20 Mali Dilli 1 0 A civilian is murdered by religious extremists.
2016.11.20 Irak al-Baker 20 0 Four children and seven women are among twenty civilians reduced to rubble by an Islamic State truck bomb.
2016.11.19 Irak Tal Adh-Dhahab 40 0 Forty victims of ISIS execution are found in a mass grave.
2016.11.19 Pakistan Quetta 4 1 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi gun down four security personnel.
2016.11.19 Arabia Saudyjska Dammam 1 0 A local cop is shot to death by suspected Shiite radicals.
2016.11.19 Somalia Kismayo 3 0 An al-Shabaab bomb claims three lives.
2016.11.19 Irak Daquq 1 0 A baby at a displaced persons camp is disassembled by an ISIS bomb blast.
2016.11.19 Egipt Arish 1 0 A Sufi cleric, allegedly 100-years-old, is kidnapped and executed by Religion of Peace rivals.
2016.11.19 Irak Shirqat 7 0 Seven others are killed when ISIS attacks a Sunni town.
2016.11.19 Irak Hawija 8 0 The Islamic State execute eight people at a popular market.
2016.11.19 Syria Aleppo 2 7 Two civilians are killed when terrorists send a shell into their neighborhood.
2016.11.18 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Four suicide bombers manage to kill two civilians.
2016.11.18 Syria Aleppo 5 0 Two children are among five civilians pulled apart by Sunni shrapnel.
2016.11.17 Irak Mosul 32 0 32 irackich muzułmanów ścięto pod zarzutem „apostazji”, czyli odejścia od prawdziwego islamu.
2016.11.17 Irak Amiriyat Fallujah 20 40 A Shahid suicide car bomber massacres twenty people at a wedding.
2016.11.17 Syria Azaz 25 24 Over two-dozen people lose their lives to a suicide car bomber.
2016.11.17 Irak Tahrir 1 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills one other person.
2016.11.17 Irak Mosul 7 35 ISIS fire a mortar into a residential area, killing seven civilians.
2016.11.17 Irak Wehda 6 0 Three children are among a family of six wiped out when a suicide belt strapped to a teenager explodes early.
2016.11.17 Afganistan Bakwa 13 17 Armed fundamentalists attack a police station and machine-gun thirteen officers point-blank.
2016.11.16 Irak Mosul 1 5 An ISIS blast produces a dead child.
2016.11.16 Irak Mosul 14 7 ISIS militants kill fourteen civilians with a few well-placed mortar rounds.
2016.11.16 Pakistan Kamar Khel 5 0 Five members of a peace committee are murdered by pro-Sharia activists.
2016.11.16 Irak Ramadi 3 8 Three others are killed by suicide bombers.
2016.11.16 Indie Baramulla 1 0 Muslim terrorists open fire on a group of police, killing one.
2016.11.16 Syria Raqqa 2 0 Two men are forced to kneel and then blasted point blank with a heavy machine-gun.
2016.11.16 Afganistan Kabul 7 13 A suicide bomber murders seven Afghans.
2016.11.15 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A university professor is gunned down in a suspected sectarian attack.
2016.11.15 Irak Mosul 21 0 Twenty-one civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.11.15 Irak Baghdad 14 50 Mujahideen bombers take out fourteen unfortunates at outdoor markets.
2016.11.15 Irak Shaimaa 17 7 Seventeen civilians are killed when the Islamic State rains shells down on their town.
2016.11.15 Tajlandia Muang 1 0 RKK Islamists ambush and murder an off-duty cop.
2016.11.15 Nigeria Duwabayi 13 0 Boko Haram ustanawia pokój w muzułmańskim rozumieniu w Nigerii – 13 osób zginęło.
2016.11.14 Nigeria Dasa 9 0 Kolejne ofiary Boko Haram.
2016.11.14 Irak Qadisiyah 63 100 Dozen of civilians, including women and children, are disassembled by an ISIS rocket barrage.
2016.11.14 Somalia Burhakabo 3 0 al-Shabaab members ambush and kill at least three local cops.
2016.11.14 Nigeria Kano 1 0 Police allege that Shiite radicals attack and kill one of their own.
2016.11.14 Irak Fallujah 14 30 Fourteen people are dead following two ISIS suicide car bombings.
2016.11.14 Irak Karbala 8 6 Eight Shiite pilgrims are blown to bits by Sunni suicide bombers.
2016.11.13 Irak Kamaliya 3 8 Jihadi car bombers pick off three residents of a neighborhood.
2016.11.13 Irak Abu Ghraib 2 8 A well-placed bomb in a commercial district claims two lives.
2016.11.13 Irak Baghdad 3 11 Three Mujahideen bombs take one life apiece.
2016.11.13 Syria Om al-Amd 8 0 Eight Syrians are pulled apart by an ISIS suicide bomber.
2016.11.13 Syria Fauaa 1 1 A Sunni mortar shell claims the life of a civilian and injures a woman.
2016.11.13 Syria Aleppo 4 2 A child and two women are reduced to pulp by terrorist rockets.
2016.11.13 Pakistan Chinari 1 0 A tribal elder dies from injuries following an Islamist IED attack.
2016.11.13 Irak Arbajiyah 1 1 A 15-year-old boy is taken out by an ISIS mortar.
2016.11.13 Egipt Sheikh Zuweid 1 1 A local soldier is killed by Jihadi shrapnel.
2016.11.13 Irak Hawija 2 7 ISIS bombers target fleeing families, killing two members.
2016.11.13 Egipt Sinai 1 8 Fundamentalist bombers kill one person.
2016.11.13 Syria Deir ez-Zor 3 0 Three people are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.11.13 Irak Mosul 1 3 ISIS lob a mortar into a family’s backyard, dismantling the father.
2016.11.13 Indonezja Samarinda 1 3 Dwuletni chłopczyk zginął, a troje innych dzieci odniosło poważne obrażenia w wyniku wybuchu bomby wrzuconej do kościoła w ramach pokojowego szerzenia islamu.
2016.11.13 Nigeria Ungwan Rimi 2 0 Two villagers are killed by Fulani terrorists.
2016.11.13 Nigeria Ungwan Magaji 17 0 Wśród 17 niewinnych osób zmasakrowanych przez muzułmanów na ofiarę dla pokojowego Allaha była ciężarna kobieta i kilkoro dzieci.
2016.11.13 Nigeria Kigam 11 0 Eleven villagers are laid out during a Muslim rampage in which homes were burned.
2016.11.12 Irak Baghdad 3 10 Jihadis bomb a row of auto shops, killing three.
2016.11.12 Irak Baghdad 6 22 A half-dozen people lose their lives to a series of Mujahideen bomb blasts.
2016.11.12 Indie Vidisha 1 0 A Hindu activist is stabbed to death by a Muslim gang.
2016.11.12 Irak Mosul 26 0 Twenty-six members of three families are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.11.12 Irak Sharqat 3 2 Three members choke to death on ISIS chlorine gas.
2016.11.12 Afganistan Bagram 4 14 A suicide bomber in uniform kills four others at an air base during a 5k run.
2016.11.12 Pakistan Lasbele 52 105 Hardliners blow up a Sufi shrine, along with fifty dancers and bystanders including women and children.
2016.11.12 Irak Mosul 1 1 An ISIS bomb takes out an 8-year-old boy and disembowels his friend.
2016.11.12 Nigeria Darka 3 2 Fulanis massacre three villagers.
2016.11.11 Irak Yousifiyah 4 10 A grocery is among two bombing targets in which four people lose their lives.
2016.11.11 Pakistan Karachi 1 2 Sunnis fire on a group of Shiite university students, killing one.
2016.11.11 Irak Zab 14 0 Fourteen men and boys are executed by the Islamic State for ‚writing messages on walls.’
2016.11.11 Syria Raqqa 1 0 Fundamentalists hurl a man off a roof for being gay.
2016.11.11 Tajlandia Narathiwat 0 2 A man and his toddler son resting on their porch are both shot by Muslim ‚separatists.’
2016.11.10 Irak Mosul 6 0 A woman and child are among an entire family slaughtered in their home by an Islamic State member.
2016.11.10 Afganistan Mazar-i-Sharif 6 128 Islam jest tak bardzo pokojowy, że szahid musiał się wysadzić w powietrze przed konsulatem Niemiec (które tak bardzo promują muzułmańskich uchodźców!!!).
2016.11.10 Irak Baghdad 10 38 Ten people die in a series of Mujahideen blasts.
2016.11.10 Irak Nineveh 4 0 Four Iraqis are executed by children of the caliphate.
2016.11.10 Irak Ghabat 20 0 Twenty civilians are shot and displayed by the Islamic State.
2016.11.10 Irak Baqubah 1 0 The owner of an Internet café is shot to death by suspected fundamentalists.
2016.11.10 Jordania Naur 2 0 Conservative Muslim brothers kill their two sisters (age 20 and 34) to reclaim family honor.
2016.11.10 Afganistan Herat 4 4 Four young children are reduced to pulp by bomb blast.
2016.11.09 Afganistan Shawali Kot 7 0 Three children and two women are among seven Afghans disassembed by a Taliban IED.
2016.11.09 Irak Mosul 30 0 Thirty Iraqis are executed by means of electrocution by the Islamic State.
2016.11.09 Tajlandia Muang 1 0 A 23-year-old man is killed by Muslim ‚insurgents’.
2016.11.09 Nigeria Golori 2 6 Two suicide bombers kill two innocents.
2016.11.09 Irak Salam 26 0 ISIS bombs take out twenty-six Iraqis.
2016.11.09 Syria Aleppo 6 20 Terrorists fire shells into a university campus, killing six people – mostly students.
2016.11.09 Syria Hadar 1 1 al-Nusra snipers pick off a civilian.
2016.11.09 Syria Fou’a 1 0 Jaish al-Fateh gunmen take out a town resident.
2016.11.09 Syria Harsata 1 3 A Jaish al-Islam mortar fired into a suburb kills one person.
2016.11.09 Somali Afgoye 1 6 An al-Shabaab ambush leaves one dead.
2016.11.09 Somalia Awdhegle 1 0 Suspected Islamist open fire on bus, killing one passenger.
2016.11.09 Irak Mosul 5 0 Five locals are crucified by the Islamic State.
2016.11.08 Autonomia Palestyńska Gaza 1 0 Aktywista szyicki został zamordowany przez sunnitów.
2016.11.08 Niger Banibangou 5 4 Jihadists attack and kill five local troops.
2016.11.08 Irak Baghdad 8 28 Mujahid bombers claim the lives of eight locals.
2016.11.08 Irak Mosul 40 0 Forty Iraqis are executed by the Islamic State and hung from poles.
2016.11.08 Kamerun Limani 2 3 Dwóch cywilów zginęło broniąc swoich domów przed atakiem nigeryjskiego Boko Haramu.
2016.11.07 Egipt Rafah 2 3 Terrorists fire rockets into a home, killing two occupants.
2016.11.07 Irak Hamam al-Alil 300 0 Znaleziono masowy pochówek z ciałami co najmniej 300 osób ściętych przez Państwo Islamskie, tak bardzo oddane sprawie pokoju.
2016.11.07 Irak Arab Jabour 4 11 Two ISIS mortar rounds end the lives of four civilians.
2016.11.07 Irak Abu Ghraib 3 8 A roadside bomb lays out three Iraqis.
2016.11.07 Afganistan Kabul 1 1 A bomb outside a rival mosque leaves one dead.
2016.11.07 Irak Baghdad 7 24 Outdoor markets are targeted by Mujahideen bombers.
2016.11.07 Nigeria Kangarwa 1 3 One other person is left dead following a Boko Haram assault.
2016.11.07 Filipiny Laparan 1 1 Obywatel Niemiec został porwany, a jego towarzyszka zamordowana na pokładzie ich włąsnego jachtu.
2016.11.06 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 A Shiite activist is sprayed with bullets by Sunni radicals.
2016.11.06 Libia Tripoli 2 0 Islamists gun down two men outside a shop.
2016.11.06 Irak Baghdad 10 21 A series of Mujahideen bomb blasts leave ten dead.
2016.11.06 Pakistan Mulazi 1 0 A member of a peace committee is kidnapped by religious extremists, who then slit his throat.
2016.11.06 Somalia Baraf 7 0 At least seven peacekeepers are killed when al-Shabaab lob a mortar into their camp.
2016.11.06 Mali Gourma 3 7 Three people are machine-gunned by suspected al-Qaeda.
2016.11.06 Irak Tikrit 13 25 Terrorysta samobójca wysadził się w powietrze w ambulansie masakrując niewinne osoby, w tym 5 studentek.
2016.11.06 Irak Samarra 11 100 A Shahid suicide bomber targets Shiite pilgrims, killing eleven.
2016.11.06 Irak Mosul 7 0 Seven members are beheaded by the caliphate for ‚dilinquency’.
2016.11.06 Irak Tikrit 3 0 Three family members are disintegrated by Muslim bombers.
2016.11.06 Irak Tikrit 15 35 ISIS members set off a very large bomb on a bridge that extinguishes fifteen lives.
2016.11.06 Irak Tulul al-Baj 16 0 Sixteen people are slaughtered in their own home by Islamic State gunmen.
2016.11.05 Irak Baghdad 3 9 Three patrons at a restaurant are taken out in mid-bite by Jihadi bombers.
2016.11.05 Irak Abu Ghraib 7 28 Seven Iraqis are killed in a series of Mujahideen bomb blasts.
2016.11.05 Irak Mosul 5 0 Five others are cut down by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.11.05 Mali Timbuktu 6 0 An execution video is released by al-Qaeda, showing the public slaughter of a half-dozen captives.
2016.11.05 Afganistan Batikot 1 2 Religious extremists plant a bomb on a car that kills the driver.
2016.11.05 Somalia Mogadishu 2 5 Suicide bombers target a checkpoint, killing two police.
2016.11.05 Afganistan Sar-i-Ghabargai 5 0 Five border guards are murdered by the Taliban.
2016.11.05 Tunezja Mount Mghilla 1 0 An off-duty soldier is assassinated in his own home by ISIS.
2016.11.05 Jemen Taiz 4 10 Four civilians are cut to ribbons by Shiite shrapnel.
2016.11.04 Syria Deir ez-Zor 1 0 A woman is crucified by the Islamic State…
2016.11.04 Jordania Mann 3 0 Three Americans are shot to death in their car by suspected Islamists.
2016.11.04 Nigeria Yamtake 1 0 A female suicide bomber kills one other person.
2016.11.04 Egipt al-Arish 1 0 A man is shot dead by fundamentalists while on his way to a vacation house.
2016.11.04 Afganistan Sur Gadah 1 1 A Taliban bomb claims the life of a local journalist.
2016.11.04 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 Three Sunnis are gunned down outside their mosque by radical Shiites.
2016.11.04 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shiites are gunned down outside their mosque by radical Sunnis.
2016.11.04 Irak Hawijah 18 5 Kobiety i dzieci usiłujące wymknąć się spod władzy Kalifatu zginęły w wyniku wybuchu bomby w autobusie.
2016.11.04 Pakistan North Nazimabad 1 0 An imam is shot in the head by Religion of Peace rivals while feeding pigeons at a market.
2016.11.04 Irak Mosul 7 0 Seven civilians are taken out by an ISIS mortar round.
2016.11.04 Irak Shirqat 7 0 Radicals storm a Shiite mosque and murder seven guards.
2016.11.04 Nigeria Malam Fatori 5 4 Five others are killed during a Boko Haram ambush.
2016.11.04 Mali Kidal 1 0 Ansar Dine members plant a bomb that kills a French peacekeeper.
2016.11.04 Turcja Diyarbakir 8 100 The Islamic State claims a car bomb that leaves eight dead.
2016.11.04 Tajlandia Narathiwat 1 0 A man his shot in the head by suspected ‚insurgents’.
2016.11.04 Irak Tal Afar 18 0 At least eighteen sheikhs are executed after being abducted by the Islamic State.
2016.11.04 Nigeria Tudan Wada 1 0 A Christian is murdered by Muslim militants.
2016.11.03 Afganistan Kosa Qala 11 12 Eleven civilians on their way to a wedding are disintegrated by a Taliban bomb.
2016.11.03 Irak Sharqat 2 0 A mother and son are cut down by targeted ISIS gunfire.
2016.11.03 Syria Aleppo 15 200 Wśród ofiar ostrzału moździerzowego dokoanego przez jedno z pokojowych ugrupowań muzułmańskich znalazło się czworo dzieci. 
2016.11.02 Pakistan Islamabad 1 0 A man is assassinated in front of his wife in his own home by terrorists.
2016.11.02 Kenia Burte-Mangate 2 4 An Islamist IED takes out two members of a security patrol.
2016.11.02 Tajlandia Muang 1 0 A 23-year-old man is murdered by Muslim ‚insurgents’.
2016.11.02 Tajlandia Songkhla 2 3 Muslim bombers kill two security guards at a car dealership.