Troche dziwnym może się wydać, że akurat islam, uparcie nazywany religią pokoju i miłosierdzia Bożego, wzbudza powszechną islamofobię (czyli lęk przez islamem) i produkuje takie terminy jak islamofaszyzm, a takie twory jak Państwo Islamskie potwierdzają, że jest czego się lękać, i jest co porównywać z faszyzmem hitlerowskim. Bo jakoś nie ma w Europie np. buddyzmofobii, i żadne „Państwo Buddyjskie” nie zalewa Internetu mrożącymi krew w żyłach filmikami z egzekucji „niewiernych”.
Polscy Internauci nieznający angielskiego nie dowiedzą się z Wikipedii, że islamofaszyzm zdefiniowany został w słowniku New Oxford American Dictionary i oznacza analogię między ideologią „niektórych ruchów muzułmańskich” a ideologią faszystowską i totalitarną, która została w Europie potępiona i zdelegalizowana po II wojnie światowej. Termin Islamic fascism (faszyzm muzułmański) pojawił się już w 1933 roku, a pamiętać trzeba, że to hitlerowski faszyzm brał przykład z faszyzmu muzułmańskiego. Uzasadniając barbarzyńskie działania w czasie II wojny światowej, Hitler mówił: „Nasza siła tkwi w szybkim i brutalnym działaniu. (…) Nie obchodzi mnie, co będzie o mnie mówić słaba cywilizacja europejska (…) Zresztą, czy ktoś mówi dzisiaj o zagładzie Ormian [w Turcji w latach 1914-1923]?” Dziś natomiast wielu młodych Arabów wielbi Adolfa Hitlera, głównie za jego siłę i niezłomność w walce z całym światem – o czym napisała Entesar Al-Banna, publicystka gazety “Al-Watan” z Bahrajnu. Na Uniwersytecie Al-Kuds w Jerozolimie na wiecach Islamskiego Dżihadu ma miejsce gloryfikacja szahidów i nazistowskie saluty. Saudyjski duchowny Muhammad Al-Farradż napisał wiersz wysławiający Hitlera. Przykłady można mnożyć…
Dlatego warto zwrócić uwagę na pracę Hameda Abdel-Samada – niestety, niedostępną w języku polskim – która analizując „ekstremizm muzułmański” wykazuje uderzające analogie między islamem a faszyzmem XX wieku, jaki znamy dzięki Hitlerowi i Mussoliniemu. Dokładnie w taki sam sposób islam realizuje marzenie o panowaniu nad całym światem, pielęgnuję wiarę w wyższość własnych przekonań, wyjątkowość rasową Arabów (zob. Koran 3:110) a także pochwałę dla brutalności i ludobójstwa. Autor urodził się i wychował w Egipcie, i jego wiedza o islamie nie jest czysto teoretyczna, jak w przypadku wielu autorytetów wychwalających islam w Europie, tylko zdobyta w wyniku praktykowania islamu i doświadczania go na co dzień. Analizując pojedyncze postacie i wydarzenia, książka Islamic Fascism ukazuje, jak początkowe założenia islamu wpływają na dzisiejszą politykę świata muzułmańskiego. Autor ukazuje faszystowską podszewkę Bractwa Muzułmańskiego w Egipcie, Hamasu działającego w Izraelu, Hezbollahu destabilizującego sytuację w Libanie, szyickiego reżimu panującego w Iranie, ideologii Państwa Islamskiego (ISIS), salafitów i dżihadystów siejących zniszczenie po całym świecie.
Hamed Abdel-Samad przedstawia mocne argumenty, przeciwko którym religia pokoju wysunęła jedyny kontrargument: wyrok śmierci. Fatwa nakazująca zamordowania autora została zatwierdzona przez trzech powszechnie uznawanych imamów egipskich. Kto ma rozum, niech się zastanowi, czy taka reakcja świadczy o tym, że islam jest religią pokoju.
Tym, którzy wątpią lub nie mają zdania na ten temat, przypominamy, że w imię Allaha w roku 2017 dokonano 2029 ataków terrorystycznych w 61 krajach, w których zginęło 15641 osób, a kolejnych 14222 zostało rannych. Poniższa tabela pochodząca ze strony ukazuje szczegółowo pokojowe osiągnięcia islamu w styczniu 2018 r.: w 153 atakach (w tym 22 samobójcze) w 21 krajach zamordowano dla Allaha 1126 osób, a 1346 zostało rannych.
Date | Country | City | Killed | .Injured. | Description |
2018.03.02. | Kenya | Fino Ward | 5 | 1 | al-Shabaab attack and kill five local cops. |
2018.03.02 | Burkina Faso | Ouagadougou | 7 | 0 | A wave of Jihadist attacks in the capital leaves seven dead. |
2018.03.02 | Afghanistan. | Kabul | 1 | 22 | A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders a young girl. |
2018.03.01 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 3 | 2 | al-Shabaab fires a mortar outside a sports stadium that kills three civilians. |
2018.03.01 | Somalia | Kahda | 2 | 3 | A Shahid suicide bomber kills at least two others. |
2018.03.01 | Nigeria | Tchikide | 2 | 0 | A suicide bomber rams a vehicle, killing both occupants. |
2018.02.28 | Pakistan | Nauhisar | 4 | 6 | A suicide bomber kills four security personnel. |
2018.02.28 | Mali | Mopti | 4 | 0 | Four UN peacekeepers are blown to bits by Jihadi bombers. |
2018.02.28 | Pakistan | Quetta | 2 | 0 | A Sunni group claims a shooting attack that leaves two dead. |
2018.02.27 | Mali | Douentza | 6 | 0 | At least six Malians are sent to Allah by Sharia advocates. |
2018.02.27 | Afghanistan | Kandahar | 6 | 5 | A fundamentalist group murders six police officers. |
2018.02.27 | Afghanistan | Nangarhar | 1 | 0 | A man is tied up and stoned to death for adultery. |
2018.02.27 | Iraq | Karashabak | 3 | 0 | Three civilians are cut down by ISIS gunmen. |
2018.02.27 | Iraq | Baghdad | 3 | 3 | Islamic radicals shoot one man and stab two others to death. |
2018.02.26 | Syria | Hazano | 6 | 0 | Hayat Tahrir al-Sham pour shells into a residential area, killing six civilians. |
2018.02.26 | Syria | East Ghouta | 0 | 0 | A Jaysh al-Islam missile takes out a civilian. |
2018.02.26 | Afghanistan | Baba Wali | 2 | 4 | Two civilians are taken out by the Taliban. |
2018.02.26 | Iraq | Tarmiya | 1 | 2 | Jihadis bomb a popular market, killing one innocent. |
2018.02.26 | DRC | Kagabe | 6 | 4 | A priest is among six villagers murdered by suspected ADF. |
2018.02.25 | Cameroon | Bourvare | 4 | 0 | Two Fedayeen suicide bombers take out four villagers. |
2018.02.25 | Afghanistan | Yahyahel | 3 | 6 | A bomb planted on a motorbike disintegrates three bystanders at a market. |
2018.02.25 | Pakistan | Tando Adam | 2 | 0 | A man tracks down his wife and sister and honor kills them for allegedly sleeping around. |
2018.02.25 | Iraq | Balad Ruz | 1 | 1 | Islamic State members open fire on a group of shepherds, killing one. |
2018.02.25 | India | Budgam | 1 | 0 | A guard outside a Sufi shrine bleeds to death after being shot twice by devotees of traditional Islam. |
2018.02.25 | India | Soura | 1 | 0 | A policeman is shot to death by extremists while on guard duty at a residence. |
2018.02.24 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 3 | 0 | A former politician is assassinated along with two bodyguards by a fundamentalist group. |
2018.02.24 | Afghanistan | Nad Ali | 2 | 14 | Two locals are laid out by a suicide bomber. |
2018.02.24 | Yemen | Aden | 14 | 43 | A mother and three children are among fourteen souls sent to Allah by two suicide car bombers . |
2018.02.24 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 2 | 7 | A suicide bomber detonates in a diplomatic area, killing two guards. |
2018.02.24 | Syria | Aleppo | 1 | 7 | Jabhat Tahrir Suriya members murder a civilian. |
2018.02.24 | Syria | Idlib | 5 | 0 | Five civilians are brought down by Jabhat Tahrir Suriya. |
2018.02.24 | Iraq | Kirkuk | 2 | 3 | Islamic militants attack an oil facility, killing two guards. |
2018.02.23 | Cameroon | Kordo | 3 | 0 | Three innocents lose their lives to Boko Haram. |
2018.02.23 | Syria | Damascus | 1 | 43 | A Sunni group sends shells into a neighborhood, killing one resident. |
2018.02.23 | Afghanistan | Bala Buluk | 25 | 0 | A brutal attack on a checkpoint leaves over two dozen dead. |
2018.02.23 | Afghanistan | Lashkar Gah | 1 | 3 | Jihadis set off a car bomb at a parking lot, killing a bystander. |
2018.02.23 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 45 | 36 | A suicide bombing is one of two attacks that leave forty-five dead. |
2018.02.22 | Syria | Damascus | 3 | 0 | Three civilians are aerated by Jaish al Islam shrapnel. |
2018.02.22 | Afghanistan | Zabul | 5 | 6 | Five Afghans are hit with a roadside bomb and then peppered with rifle fire by religious extremists. |
2018.02.21 | Chad | Lake Chad | 2 | 0 | Two border guards are murdered by Boko Haram. |
2018.02.21 | Iraq | Domiz | 1 | 0 | A cleric is assassinated by suspected rivals. |
2018.02.21 | Syria | Anbar | 20 | 0 | Twenty truck drivers are brutally executed by the Islamic State. |
2018.02.21 | Nigeria | Dapchi | 2 | 13 | Two kidnapped schoolgirls are murdered by Boko Haram. |
2018.02.21 | Afghanistan | Ko Toop | 5 | 0 | Fundamentalists spray a vehicle carrying government employees with automatic weapons fire, killing five. |
2018.02.21 | Afghanistan | Rubat | 8 | 3 | Religious extremists machine-gun eight policemen at a checkpoint. |
2018.02.21 | Libya | Jufra | 3 | 3 | Three Libyans are disintegrated by a suicide car bomber. |
2018.02.21 | Mali | Sahel | 2 | 0 | Two French troops are killed by Jihadi bombers while on patrol. |
2018.02.20 | Cameroon | Salamassali | 6 | 5 | Religion of Peace proponents burn down houses and massacre six civilians. |
2018.02.20 | Syria | East Ghouta | 9 | 49 | Sunnis pour shells into non-Sunni neighborhoods, killing nine civilians. |
2018.02.20 | Afghanistan | Jalalabad | 3 | 3 | Three tribal elders are killed when Sharia advocates bomb a hotel. |
2018.02.20 | Iraq | Mosul | 2 | 0 | A father and son are eliminated by an Islamic State landmine. |
2018.02.20 | Afghanistan | Achin | 10 | 0 | Ten civilians are discovered murdered by Islamic State members. |
2018.02.20 | Afghanistan | Farah | 3 | 0 | A woman is among three civilians aerated by Jihadi shrapnel. |
2018.02.20 | Afghanistan | Bashikod | 2 | 0 | Two locals are blown to bits by Taliban bombers. |
2018.02.19 | Iraq | Kirkuk | 27 | 0 | Two dozen Iraqis are machine-gunned by an Islamist group at a fake checkpoint. |
2018.02.19 | Afghanistan | Bala Buluk | 16 | 9 | Sixteen policemen are murdered by the Taliban. |
2018.02.19 | Afghanistan | Nad Ali | 5 | 6 | Fundamentalists roll up on a police checkpoint and riddle five local cops with bullets. |
2018.02.19 | Algeria | Cherchar | 2 | 1 | Two local security personnel are picked off by fundamentalist bombers. |
2018.02.19 | Afghanistan | Ghazni | 2 | 3 | Two Afghans lose their lives to a Taliban attack. |
2018.02.18 | Iraq | Ramdaniyah | 111 | 0 | One-hundred and eleven Iraqis are discovered in a mass grave after having been shot by the Islamic State. |
2018.02.18 | Dagestan | Kizlyar | 5 | 7 | An Islamic seminary student fires on a church service, killing five female worshippers. |
2018.02.18 | Syria | Qamishli | 5 | 7 | A car bomb targeting a Kurdish neighborhood claims five residents. |
2018.02.18 | Afghanistan | Kot | 12 | 0 | The bodies of a dozen civilian hostages are discovered a year after their abduction by the Islamic State. |
2018.02.18 | Iraq | Rutba | 2 | 5 | A well-place ISIS bomb kills two Iraqis. |
2018.02.17 | Nigeria | Konduga | 19 | 70 | Three suicide bombers blow up nineteen patrons at a fish market. |
2018.02.17 | Afghanistan | Gerishk | 16 | 0 | Four intelligence operatives gun down sixteen of their colleagues and join the Taliban. |
2018.02.17 | Afghanistan | Mullah Din | 5 | 0 | Five policemen are brutally murdered by the Taliban. |
2018.02.17 | DRC | Beni | 5 | 8 | ADF Islamists ambush a civilian vehicle and massacre five passengers, including three women. |
2018.02.17 | Iraq | Baghdad | 1 | 4 | Mujahideen set off a bomb outside a row of shops, killing a passerby. |
2018.02.17 | DRC | Mushikiri | 2 | 1 | The ADF is suspected in the murder of two water purification workers. |
2018.02.16 | Egypt | el-Arish | 1 | 0 | A man is forced to his knees and shot in the back of the head by the Islamic State. |
2018.02.16 | Nigeria | Dapchi | 17 | 50 | Boko Haram attack a small village, killing seventeen residents. |
2018.02.16 | Syria | Rimthan | 34 | 0 | Thirty-four victims of the Islamic State are found in a mass grave. |
2018.02.16 | Kenya | Wajir | 4 | 1 | Three Christian school teachers are murdered by Islamic extremists, along with one of their wives. |
2018.02.16 | Pakistan | Mammond | 1 | 0 | A member of a peace committee is killed instantly by a Taliban bomb blast. |
2018.02.16 | Somalia | Bari | 2 | 0 | al-Shabaab radicals kill two local soldiers with a roadside bomb. |
2018.02.16 | Yemen | Mafad | 3 | 2 | al-Qaeda bombers target a check point, killing three members. |
2018.02.15 | Afghanistan | Herat | 2 | 0 | Two children are shredded by Taliban shrapnel. |
2018.02.15 | Pakistan | Tormast | 2 | 2 | Two tribal elders are cut to ribbons by a shrapnel bomb. |
2018.02.15 | Iraq | Mosul | 2 | 0 | Two civilians are gunned down by suspected ISIS. |
2018.02.14 | Algeria | Bir El Ater | 5 | 2 | Fundamentalists take down five local soldiers with an IED. |
2018.02.14 | Pakistan | Quetta | 4 | 0 | Four security guards shot in the back of the head by Tehreek-e-Taliban. |
2018.02.14 | Afghanistan | Pul-e-Alam | 1 | 0 | The Taliban kill one person with a roadside bomb. |
2018.02.14 | Afghanistan | Bala Buluk | 7 | 0 | Seven Afghans lose their lives when Islamic militants attack a police check post. |
2018.02.14 | Afghanistan | Qaysar | 3 | 0 | A Taliban attack leaves three dead. |
2018.02.13 | Syria | Gharanij | 2 | 0 | An Islamic State ordinance claims two civilians. |
2018.02.13 | Iraq | Muqdadiya | 1 | 0 | An agricultural worker is dismantled by a Sunni bomb. |
2018.02.13 | Iraq | Baghdad | 1 | 5 | Jihadis set off a bomb on a busy market street, killing one. |
2018.02.12 | Syria | Maarrat Misrin | 9 | 14 | Eight civilians bleed out following a Fedayeen suicide bomb blast. |
2018.02.12 | Syria | Khan Sheikhoun | 2 | 3 | Two civilians are blown to bits by ISIS bombers. |
2018.02.12 | India | Karan Nagar | 1 | 0 | A local cop is shot to death by two terrorists with automatic rifles. |
2018.02.12 | Iraq | Farhatiya | 5 | 6 | Mujahideen shoot three family members to death, then leave a bomb that kills two responding officers. |
2018.02.12 | India | Charangam | 1 | 0 | A political activist is killed by suspected religious radicals. |
2018.02.12 | Somalia | Qunyo Barrow | 2 | 0 | Two Kenyans are stabbed to death by Islamists. |
2018.02.11 | Thailand | Pattani | 0 | 9 | Islamists set off six bombs. |
2018.02.11 | Nigeria | Bakin Kogi | 5 | 0 | Five villagers returning from church are ambushed and killed by Miyetti Allah. |
2018.02.11 | Syria | Damascus | 1 | 3 | A Sunni group lobs mortars into a residential area, killing at least one civilian. |
2018.02.11 | Iraq | Sinjar | 2 | 0 | Two residents are killed when ISIS members detonate a bomb at their house. |
2018.02.11 | Nigeria | Bakin Kogi | 4 | 1 | Four wine tappers are shot to death by Muslim terrorists. |
2018.02.11 | Indonesia | Yogyakarta | 0 | 4 | A knife-wielding attacker wounds four worshippers at a church. |
2018.02.10 | Iraq | Tuz Khurmato | 5 | 0 | Five shepherds are kidnapped by Muslim terrorists and shot in the head. |
2018.02.10 | Iraq | Dujail | 2 | 6 | A Shahid suicide bomber detonates outside a funeral tent, killing two mourners. |
2018.02.10 | India | Chaigund | 1 | 0 | A teenage girl dies from injuries suffered from a Hizb-ul-Mujahideen ‚encounter.’ |
2018.02.10 | Iraq | Dujail | 3 | 3 | Terrorists fire into a family home, killing three members. |
2018.02.10 | Iraq | Mosul | 3 | 0 | A suicide bomber sends three Iraqis to Allah. |
2018.02.10 | Syria | Idlib | 7 | 30 | Terrorists set off a car bomb at a town plaza, reducing seven bystanders to pulp. |
2018.02.10 | Pakistan | Kohistan | 3 | 0 | A man guns down two adulterers and a family member in the name of honor. |
2018.02.10 | Pakistan | Dera Ismail Khan | 1 | 0 | A Shiite trader is gunned down at his dairy shop by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. |
2018.02.10 | India | Sunjawan | 6 | 4 | A woman is among the casualties when Jaish-e-Mohammad stage a suicide assault on a local military camp. |
2018.02.10 | Afghanistan | Nawa | 6 | 8 | A brutal attack by armed fundamentalists on a police checkpoint leaves six dead. |
2018.02.10 | Afghanistan | Ghor | 1 | 0 | A secular judge is murdered by radicals advocating for Sharia. |
2018.02.10 | Mali | Mopti | 5 | 18 | Five civilians are shredded by Islamist shrapnel. |
2018.02.10 | Iraq | Yusufiya | 1 | 2 | Terrorists set off a bomb at a market the kills a bystander. |
2018.02.10 | Afghanistan | Greshk | 16 | 0 | Sixteen locals are pumped full of lead by Taliban gunmen. |
2018.02.10 | Afghanistan | Anar Dara | 2 | 3 | Religious extremists bomb a car carrying cricket athletes, killing two. |
2018.02.09 | Australia | Melbourne | 0 | 1 | A sleeping man is stabbed in the neck by a Bangladeshi woman who cited the Islamic State. |
2018.02.09 | Afghanistan | Bati Kot | 4 | 2 | Four cricket players are left dead after radicals bomb a match. |
2018.02.09 | Iraq | Sinjar | 6 | 0 | Six religious minorities are found executed by the Islamic State. |
2018.02.09 | Libya | Benghazi | 2 | 143 | Islamists plant two bombs at a rival mosque, killing two. |
2018.02.09 | Iraq | Khanaqin | 7 | 3 | Islamists roll up on a popular café and riddle it with bullets, killing seven. |
2018.02.08 | Iraq | Taji | 1 | 2 | A bomb left at a market produces one body. |
2018.02.08 | Iraq | Ramadi | 1 | 14 | A suicide bomber takes one other person with him. |
2018.02.08 | Pakistan | Pano Akil | 1 | 0 | A 19-year-old woman is shot to death by her brother over suspicion of unIslamic activity. |
2018.02.07 | USA | Tahlequah, OK | 0 | 1 | A Muslim yelling ‚Allah’ stabs a non-Muslim following an argument over religion. |
2018.02.07 | Iraq | Kifri | 20 | 0 | Twenty civilians are discovered in an ISIS mass grave. |
2018.02.07 | Afghanistan | Greshk | 1 | 7 | Fundamentalists spray bullets into a police checkpoint, killing one member. |
2018.02.07 | Pakistan | Mir Ali | 2 | 4 | Islamists send a rocket into a passing security patrol, killing two members. |
2018.02.07 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 1 | 0 | An off-duty local soldier is gunned down near a university. |
2018.02.07 | Somalia | Afgoye | 2 | 4 | An al-Shabaab bomb blast claims two lives. |
2018.02.07 | Syria | Damascus | 2 | 2 | Two civilians are laid out by Sunni shelling. |
2018.02.07 | Syria | Shajara | 1 | 0 | A woman is stoned to death for adultery. |
2018.02.07 | Pakistan | Hailal Khail | 1 | 0 | A tribal elder bleeds to death following an Islamic bomb blast. |
2018.02.06 | Iraq | Abu Saida | 1 | 0 | A fruit vendor is shot to death by Jihadis. |
2018.02.06 | India | Srinagar | 2 | 2 | Hizbul Mujahideen members murder two prison guards on a trip to the hospital. |
2018.02.06 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 3 | 0 | Three people are shot to death by Islamists near a university. |
2018.02.06 | Nigeria | Baaki | 8 | 0 | Eight locals lose their lives to a Muslim terror attack on a quiet village. |
2018.02.06 | Syria | Idlib | 6 | 30 | Two children are among six refugees blown to bits by Sunni shrapnel. |
2018.02.06 | Syria | Bab Toumah | 4 | 9 | Four civilians are killed when terrorists lob a mortar into the central square of a Christian district during a humanitarian drive. |
2018.02.06 | Iraq | Kirkuk | 1 | 0 | A university professor is assassinated by suspected Sharia advocates. |
2018.02.06 | Thailand | Klongmai | 2 | 0 | A man and his father-in-law are gunned down by Muslim ‚insurgents.’ |
2018.02.05 | Afghanistan | Kandahar | 3 | 0 | Suspected fundamentalists gun down three civilians at a market. |
2018.02.05 | Iraq | Shoala | 1 | 1 | Suspected Mujahideen hurl a grenade into a home, killing one person. |
2018.02.05 | Pakistan | Karachi | 1 | 1 | Muslim terrorists gun down a Chinese national at a market. |
2018.02.05 | Iraq | Baghdad | 1 | 6 | Mujahideen set off a bomb along a busy market street, killing one. |
2018.02.05 | Thailand | Muang | 1 | 0 | A Buddhist is shot to death at a food shop by Muslim ‚rebels’. |
2018.02.05 | Iraq | Hamrin | 6 | 0 | An ultra-hardline Sunni group murders six Iraqis guarding an oil route. |
2018.02.05 | Israel | Ariel | 1 | 0 | A 29-year-old father of four is stabbed to death by an Arab terrorist. |
2018.02.05 | Mali | Gossi | 2 | 0 | Two local soldiers are shot in the head by Jihadists. |
2018.02.04 | Nigeria | Alau-Kofa | 2 | 1 | Two people are burned alive by Islamic activists. |
2018.02.04 | Thailand | Pa Rai | 1 | 0 | A villager is slain by suspected Muslim ‚insurgents’. |
2018.02.04 | Cameroon | Hitawa | 6 | 2 | Islamists attack a peaceful community, set fire to homes and kill six residents, including a pregnant woman. |
2018.02.04 | Somalia | Odweyne | 4 | 0 | Women and children are among four killed by a bomb planted in their home. |
2018.02.04 | Nigeria | Kala | 1 | 1 | Boko Haram murder a refugee and set him on fire. |
2018.02.04 | Iraq | Mamoun | 3 | 0 | Three children are discovered with bullets to the back of the head in an area controlled by the Islamic State. |
2018.02.04 | Egypt | el-Arish | 3 | 5 | Three people are killed when Islamists target a pickup truck with a bomb. |
2018.02.03 | Iraq | Qahtaniya | 70 | 0 | Seventy Yazidi civilians are found in a mass ISIS grave. |
2018.02.03 | Mali | Talataye | 4 | 0 | Four civilians are eliminated by Jihadis. |
2018.02.03 | Afghanistan | Sherin Tagab | 5 | 4 | Five guards are left dead following an attack by armed fundamentalists on a political office. |
2018.02.03 | Pakistan | Swat | 11 | 13 | A suicide bomber targets off-duty local soldiers playing volleyball, killing three. |
2018.02.03 | Cameroon | Yawa | 2 | 0 | A student is among two civilians murdered by Boko Haram. |
2018.02.03 | Afghanistan | Farahrod | 1 | 6 | A young police officer is shot to death at a checkpoint by the Taliban. |
2018.02.02 | DRC | Kitevya | 3 | 0 | Muslim radicals attack a health center, shooting two guards and hacking dead another. |
2018.02.02 | Afghanistan | Gilan | 3 | 5 | Two women and a child are disassembled by Taliban bombers. |
2018.02.02 | Nigeria | Oye-Ekiti | 1 | 0 | An Islamic radical murders a police officer. |
2018.02.01 | Philippines | Patikul | 2 | 4 | An Abu Sayyaf ambush of a private vehicle leaves two dead. |
2018.02.01 | Nigeria | Maiduguri | 4 | 44 | A suicide bomber infiltrates a refugee camp and takes down four innocents. |
2018.02.01 | Egypt | Arish | 1 | 1 | Jihadi snipers pick off a local cop. |
2018.02.01 | Somalia | Taredishe | 3 | 3 | al-Shabaab shrapnel claims the lives of two telecommunications employees and a passerby. |
2018.02.01 | India | Khyala | 1 | 0 | A Hindu man’s throat is slit for being in a relationship with a Muslim woman. |
2018.01.31 | Iraq | Baghdad | 1 | 3 | A civilian is sent to Allah by Mujahideen bombers. |
2018.01.31 | Mali | Gao | 2 | 2 | Mujahideen kill two people with a roadside bomb. |
2018.01.31 | Iraq | Kirkuk | 2 | 2 | An Islamic State bomb planted in a home kills two Iraqis. |
2018.01.31 | Iraq | Tayaran | 8 | 0 | Eight young people, executed by the Islamic State, are found in a grave. |
2018.01.31 | Nigeria | Kaguru | 7 | 4 | Seven villagers are shot to death by Miyetti Allah. |