Strona informuje, że w ciągu 30 dni od 2.01 do 30.01.2019 r. w 25 krajach świata dokonano 120 ataków terrorystycznych w imię Allaha w celu szerzenia islamu (ewidentnie pokojowego), w których zginęło 585 osób, a kolejnych 853 zostało rannych. Tabela poniżej.
Chciałoby się zwrócić uwagę na zamiłowanie pokojowych muzułmanów do nauki: 30 stycznia w Jemenie zbombardowano szkołę (zginął 13-latek), a w Afganistanie 26 stycznia zbombardowano uniwersytecki kampus (zginęła jedna studentka). Poza tym otrzymaliśmy boleśnie uderzająco przekonujący dowód na to, że muzułmanie otaczają szacunkiem chrześcijan i chrześcijaństwo: 20 osób zostało zamordowanych na chwałę Allaha w katedrze na Filipinach w czasie nabożeństwa w niedzielę 27 stycznia 2019 r. Potoki krwi świadczą o islamie, czym naprawdę jest i do czego prowadzi.
Chciałoby się przy tej okazji wspomnieć o gwałtach, które z całą pewnością sprawiają Allahowi wielką radość, kiedy są dokonywane z pobudek religijnych. Największą bodajże radość dostarczają Allahowi Szwedzi, którzy promując muzułmańskich gwałcicieli doprowadzili do wzrostu liczby gwałtów o 1666% w porównaniu do roku 1975 (wykres poniżej). Na wykresie zaznaczono, że w 1975 r. średnio w ciągu roku w Szwecji miało miejsce 421 gwałtów (czyli średnio 1 dziennie), zaś w 2018 zgwałcono 7436 kobiet, czyli średnio ok. 20 dziennie. Czy można się dziwić, że muzułmanie chętnie emigrują do Szwecji?
W styczniu 2019 r. opublikowało informację o Australijce, która pojechała do Pakistanu, by spotkać się z muzułmaninem, który obiecał jej miłość, szacunek i wspaniałe życie. Okazało się, że jej wyobrażenie o wspaniałym życiu nieco się różniło od wyobrażenia Pakistańczyka, który ją przetrzymywał przez kilka miesięcy, systematycznie gwałcąc, zmuszając do przyjęcia islamu, i denerwując się, że jej taka wspaniała propozycja nie pasuje.
Jednak muzułmanie nie czekają, aż białe kobiety przyjadą do nich, i sami przyjeżdzają do Europy, by je gwałcić. Włoska gazeta opublikowała w styczniu 2019 r. informację o 23-letniej Emilii, która będąc w ciąży została zgwałcona przez dwóch muzułmanów, jeden z których miał 45 lat i pochodził z Maroku.
Trzeba zauważyć, że na Filipinach, gdzie w 2016 r. miał miejsce zbiorowy gwałt i morderstwo 14-letniej dziewczynki, muzułmańscy duchowni sprzeciwili się zaostrzeniu prawa karnego w przypadku gwałtów. Niezależnie od tego, co oni na ten temat mówią, chodzi raczej o dopuszczalność gwałcenia niemuzułmanek przez muzułmanów, potwierdzoną już przez Mahometa, który do tego zachęcał swoich towarzyszy cytując Koran.
Pod koniec stycznia 2019 r. pojawiło się też doniesienie o imamie, który w meczecie zgwałcił 9-letnią dziewczynkę. W sumie postąpił prawidłowo, zgodnie z nauczaniem islamu, idąc za przykładem Proroka Mahometa.
Zastanówmy się, co może powstrzymać falę mordów i gwałtów, dokonywanych w imię Allaha. Podpowiadam, że islam sam z siebie jest do tego niezdolny, gdyż bardziej gorliwi muzułmanie mają obowiązek zamordowania tych mniej prawdziwych, którzy sprzeciwiają się przemocy i gwałtom.
Poniżej lista ataków terrorystycznych dla Allaha w styczniu 2019 r.
Date | Country | City | Killed. | Injured. | Description |
2019.01.30 | Yemen | Taez | 1 | 1 | A 13-year-old is killed when Ansar Allah fire a shell into a school. |
2019.01.30 | Nigeria | Dikwa | 8 | 0 | An Islamic group ambushes a local security convoy, killing eight members. |
2019.01.30 | Pakistan | Karak | 1 | 0 | A transgender person is shot to death by an ‚armed group’. |
2019.01.29 | Pakistan | Dera Ismail Khan | 1 | 0 | A patron is shot to death at a bazaar by terrorists. |
2019.01.29 | Iraq | Tarmiyah | 3 | 1 | Suspected ISIS gun down three innocents at a coffee shop. |
2019.01.29 | Pakistan | Loralai | 9 | 21 | Three suicide bombers attack a police complex, killing at least nine. |
2019.01.29 | Somalia | Banadir | 2 | 5 | Jihadis set off a car bomb at a petrol station, incinerating two bystanders. |
2019.01.29 | Mali | Tarkint | 2 | 10 | A Shahid suicide bomber rams a local military base, killing two Malians. |
2019.01.29 | Syria | Idlib | 1 | 3 | A suicide bomber kills one other person. |
2019.01.28 | Syria | Mahajah | 1 | 2 | Terrorists kill one civilian with an IED. |
2019.01.28 | Nigeria | Molai | 4 | 0 | Islamists slit the throats of four farmers. |
2019.01.28 | Burkina Faso | Soum | 4 | 0 | Four people are killed when Jihadists attack a security camp. |
2019.01.28 | Yemen | Mocha | 7 | 26 | An Ansar Allah bomb targeting a restaurant crowd kills at least seven, including two children. |
2019.01.28 | Pakistan | Sargodha | 1 | 0 | A 71-year-old imam is gunned down by suspected rivals. |
2019.01.28 | Niger | Bossa | 4 | 4 | Sharia proponents murder four villagers and set fire to their homes. |
2019.01.28 | Iraq | Haditha | 2 | 1 | ISIS members murder two civilians and kidnap another. |
2019.01.28 | Afghanistan | Bodana Qala | 6 | 3 | A brutal attack by armed fundamentalists on two police checkpoints leaves six dead. |
2019.01.27 | Syria | Baghouz | 11 | 0 | Eleven people are blown up by four suicide bombers. |
2019.01.27 | Iraq | al-Shura | 2 | 0 | A husband and wife are viciously shot to death in their home by terrorists. |
2019.01.27 | Iraq | Shirqat | 4 | 8 | Two bombs aimed at a bus and first responders leaves four dead. |
2019.01.27 | Philippines | Jolo | 27 | 111 | Twenty-seven worshippers at a Catholic church are laid out by Muslim bombers. |
2019.01.27 | Burkina Faso | Sirkire | 10 | 2 | Jihadists pour machine-gun fire into a village, taking out ten residents. |
2019.01.27 | Afghanistan | Kandahar | 1 | 0 | The prosecutor for a secular court is assassinated by Sharia proponents. |
2019.01.26 | Yemen | Haradh | 8 | 30 | Ansar Allah members fire shells into a displaced persons camp, killing eight unfortunates. |
2019.01.26 | Afghanistan | Tala Wa Barfak | 5 | 20 | A bomb blast at a volleyball court leaves five dead. |
2019.01.26 | Syria | Baghouz | 1 | 5 | A female suicide bomber kills one other person. |
2019.01.26 | Afghanistan | Jalalabad | 1 | 2 | A girl is disassembled by a bomb blast at a university campus. |
2019.01.26 | Germany | Salzgitter-Lebenstedt | 1 | 0 | The shooting by a Syrian Muslim of an Iraqi Christian is said to be motivated by religious differences. |
2019.01.25 | CAR | Ippy | 18 | 23 | UPC terrorists pour gunfire into a funeral, killing eighteen. |
2019.01.25 | Somalia | Afgoye | 6 | 0 | Three women are among six people at a market gunned down by Sharia extremists. |
2019.01.25 | Mali | Douentza | 2 | 1 | Two UN peacekeepers succumb to injuries following an al-Qaeda bomb blast. |
2019.01.24 | Afghanistan | Sayyad | 2 | 4 | Sunni militants fire into a playground, killing two people. |
2019.01.24 | Syria | al-Bab | 1 | 7 | A suicide bomber takes out a civilian. |
2019.01.24 | DRC | Beni | 3 | 2 | Three innocents are slain by ADF Islamists. |
2019.01.24 | Iraq | Abu Karma | 1 | 0 | An ISIS sniper brings down a civilian. |
2019.01.24 | Afghanistan | Ghoryan | 1 | 0 | A Hajj director is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals. |
2019.01.23 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 2 | 3 | An al-Shabaab incendiary device toasts two civilians. |
2019.01.23 | Iraq | Kirkuk | 2 | 2 | A suicide car bomber plow into a checkpoint, killing two local cops. |
2019.01.23 | Nigeria | Geidam | 8 | 12 | At least eight people are left dead after a Boko Haram attack on a college town. |
2019.01.22 | South Africa | Johannesburg | 1 | 0 | A critic of Islamic extremism is gunned down outside a mosque. |
2019.01.22 | Syria | Latakia | 1 | 14 | Terrorists kill a civilian with an IED. |
2019.01.22 | Syria | Maar Shamarin | 1 | 1 | A civilian is murdered in cold blood by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. |
2019.01.22 | Yemen | Taiz | 1 | 13 | A woman is killed by the Ansar Allah group. |
2019.01.22 | Pakistan | Ferozabad | 1 | 0 | A Shiite cleric is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals. |
2019.01.21 | Iraq | Abu Saida | 2 | 1 | Two Iraqis are shot to death by Mujahideen. |
2019.01.21 | Syria | Hasakeh | 5 | 2 | Fedayeen suicide car bombers kill five people. |
2019.01.21 | Kenya | Garissa | 0 | 1 | A woman is injured when Somali Islamists attack a construction company. |
2019.01.21 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 36 | 58 | A Taliban suicide attack on a military base kills thirty-six. |
2019.01.21 | Syria | Rifqa | 3 | 1 | Three people are exterminated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. |
2019.01.20 | Nigeria | Konduga | 1 | 0 | A motorist is slain by Boko Haram terrorists. |
2019.01.20 | Iraq | Khanaqin | 2 | 0 | Two local cops are murdered by Jihadists. |
2019.01.20 | Afghanistan | Logar | 10 | 10 | Islamic fundamentals attempt to assassinate a secular governor with a suicide bomber, killing ten others. |
2019.01.20 | Syria | Afrin | 3 | 9 | Terrorists plant a bomb on a civilian bus that kills three. |
2019.01.20 | Mali | Aguelhoc | 10 | 25 | An al-Qaeda linked group attacks a UN peacekeeper base, killing ten. |
2019.01.20 | CAR | Zaoro Sangou | 13 | 0 | A pastor is among a dozen killed during Fulani violence. |
2019.01.19 | Syria | Idlib | 1 | 5 | A Jihadi car bomb takes out a woman. |
2019.01.19 | Somalia | Kismayo | 8 | 0 | Eight local soldiers are killed when a group of religious radicals overrun their base. |
2019.01.19 | Syria | Idlib | 8 | 0 | Eight captives are executed by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham. |
2019.01.18 | Afghanistan | Nad Ali | 1 | 3 | The Taliban attack a wedding, killing one of the members. |
2019.01.18 | India | Shopian | 4 | 0 | Four cops at a guard post are cut down by Jaish-e-Mohammed gunmen. |
2019.01.18 | Thailand | Narathiwat | 2 | 2 | Two Buddhist monks are shot to death by Muslim ‚insurgents.’ |
2019.01.18 | Nigeria | Gamboru Ngala | 3 | 0 | Suicide bombers claim three other lives. |
2019.01.18 | Syria | Idlib | 15 | 20 | A suicide car bomber targets a rival Islamist group, killing fifteen. |
2019.01.18 | Egypt | al-Arish | 3 | 1 | Three people are killed when Islamic radicals kidnap a religious minority. |
2019.01.17 | Norway | Oslo | 0 | 1 | A terrorist stabs a woman at a supermarket. |
2019.01.17 | Syria | Hasakah | 1 | 0 | A civilian is kidnapped and murdered by a Sunni group. |
2019.01.17 | Nigeria | Kamuya | 6 | 14 | A group fighting for Sharia puts six local security personnel in the morgue. |
2019.01.16 | Syria | Manbij | 16 | 24 | Four Americans are among sixteen patrons blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber at a restaurant. |
2019.01.16 | Burkina Faso | Tiabongou | 1 | 0 | A Canadian mining industry worker is kidnapped and murdered by Islamic militants. |
2019.01.16 | Afghanistan | Panjawai | 4 | 0 | Four police officers are gruesomely killed by a Taliban insider. |
2019.01.15 | Iraq | Kirkuk | 1 | 0 | Hashd al-Shaabi is suspected in the assassination of a Kurdish official. |
2019.01.15 | Pakistan | Karachi | 1 | 0 | A radical cleric has his assistant killed. |
2019.01.15 | Mali | Menaka | 20 | 0 | Elderly people are among twenty killed in Jihadist attacks on two villages. |
2019.01.15 | Kenya | Nairobi | 21 | 30 | Twenty-one guests and guards are slaughtered during a violent suicide attack on a luxury hotel by al-Shabaab. |
2019.01.15 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 1 | 0 | Religious radicals blow up a Toyota Corolla, along with the driver. |
2019.01.14 | Nigeria | Rann | 14 | 0 | At least fourteen people are killed when Boko Haram overrun a town and burn homes. |
2019.01.14 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 4 | 110 | Children are among the casualties when a suicide car bomber detonates along a busy road. |
2019.01.14 | Iraq | Qausayat | 1 | 0 | A civilian is shot in his own home by suspected ISIS. |
2019.01.13 | Mali | Gao | 3 | 5 | A Jihadist attack on UN peacekeepers leaves three dead. |
2019.01.13 | Thailand | Thung Phala | 1 | 0 | A Muslim drive-by shooting on a police station leaves one dead. |
2019.01.13 | Iraq | Kirkuk | 1 | 2 | A Mujahideen bomb blast kills a woman and injures her two children. |
2019.01.13 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 2 | 5 | Islamists hurl a grenade at a residence, killing two people. |
2019.01.12 | Mozambique | Manilha | 4 | 4 | Four passengers in civilan vehicles are murdered by militant Islamists. |
2019.01.12 | Syria | Raqaa | 1 | 2 | An ISIS booby-trap claims a civilian. |
2019.01.12 | Afghanistan | Herat | 5 | 4 | Civilians and police are killed during a Taliban assault. |
2019.01.12 | Pakistan | Loralai | 1 | 4 | Gunmen on motorcycles fire on charity workers campaigning against terrorism, killing one. |
2019.01.12 | Iraq | Manbij | 2 | 1 | Former caliphate members kill two security personnel with a roadside bomb. |
2019.01.11 | Iraq | Qaim | 2 | 23 | A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out two patrons at a market. |
2019.01.11 | Burkina Faso | Gasseliki | 12 | 2 | A dozen villagers are massacred by Muslim terrorists. |
2019.01.11 | Yemen | Haradh | 8 | 10 | Six children and two women are blown to bits by Ansar Allah bombers. |
2019.01.10 | CAR | Bambari | 2 | 30 | Muslim ‚rebels’ fire into a crowd, killing at least two. |
2019.01.10 | Syria | Idlib | 1 | 0 | A Syrian is crudely beheaded by a Sharia scholar. |
2019.01.10 | Iraq | Haramat | 1 | 0 | A village chief is assassinated by the Islamic State. |
2019.01.10 | Yemen | Aden | 6 | 20 | Ansar Allah fly a bomb-laden drone into a military parade, killing at least six. |
2019.01.10 | Thailand | Pattani | 4 | 0 | Four guards at a school are cut down in cold blood by Muslim ‚insurgents.’ |
2019.01.10 | Afghanistan | Khwaja Ghar | 7 | 6 | Seven cops are murdered at their station by religious radicals. |
2019.01.10 | Afghanistan | Husainhil | 9 | 6 | Nine police are shot to death by the Taliban. |
2019.01.10 | Afghanistan | Qala-e-Zaal | 10 | 11 | Ten Afghans are laid out by fundamentalist gunmen. |
2019.01.10 | Afghanistan | Badghes | 16 | 0 | Sixteen Afghans are murdered by the Taliban. |
2019.01.09 | Iraq | Qabra | 38 | 0 | Thirty-eight women are discovered in a mass grave following ISIS executions. |
2019.01.09 | Nigeria | Mwuaga | 1 | 0 | A farmer is shot dead in his field by Miyetti Allah. |
2019.01.09 | Syria | Idlib | 1 | 1 | A suicide bomber kills a civilian. |
2019.01.09 | DRC | Beni | 7 | 2 | Seven civilians are purged by ADF Islamists. |
2019.01.09 | Iraq | Haftaghar | 1 | 2 | ISIS bombers take out a villager. |
2019.01.09 | Pakistan | Korangi | 1 | 0 | A Sunni activist is shot to death by suspected Shiite rivals. |
2019.01.08 | Thailand | Songkhla | 1 | 2 | A retired teacher is hanged by Barisan Revolusi Nasional members. |
2019.01.08 | Syria | Tal Maraga | 3 | 5 | Three civilians are cut down by ISIS shrapnel. |
2019.01.08 | Yemen | Mahfad | 2 | 12 | Two civilians are shredded by al-Qaeda shrapnel. |
2019.01.08 | Afghanistan | Khost | 2 | 26 | A Sunni bomb lays out two civilians and injures twenty-six others. |
2019.01.08 | Syria | Raqqa | 1 | 3 | A suicide car bomber takes out a bystander. |
2019.01.08 | Iraq | Tikrit | 3 | 4 | Terrorists detonate a bomb at a checkpoint during morning commute, killing three. |
2019.01.08 | Afghanistan | Kabul Addah | 2 | 20 | Two civilians are disassembled by an Islamic bomb planted on a motorcycle. |
2019.01.08 | Austria | Amstetten | 1 | 0 | A woman is stabbed 38 times in front of her children during an argument over wearing a burqa. The killer was previously investigated because of „religiously-motivated activities.” |
2019.01.08 | Thailand | Yarang | 0 | 2 | A 12-year-old girl is severely injured by a Muslim bomb blast at her school. |
2019.01.07 | Bangladesh | Kismat Bidyabagis | 1 | 0 | A Hindu man is stabbed to death by the parents of Muslim woman with whom he was involved. |
2019.01.07 | USA | Fountain Hills, AZ | 0 | 1 | A police officer is stabbed by a ‚lone wolf.’ |
2019.01.07 | DRC | Malvivi | 10 | 1 | Children are among ten hacked to death by ADF Islamists. |
2019.01.07 | Nigeria | Sajeri | 3 | 0 | Sharia activists shoot a rival cleric in the head and hack two other civilians to death. |
2019.01.07 | Afghanistan | Jani Khel | 10 | 13 | A Taliban bomb claims ten civilians at a bazaar, including two children. |
2019.01.07 | Somalia | Elasha Biyaha | 2 | 0 | An al-Shabaab bomb targeting an AU vehicle leaves two dead. |
2019.01.07 | Syria | Raqqa | 4 | 8 | Four civilians are racked up by a Shahid suicide bomber. |
2019.01.06 | Afghanistan | Farah | 2 | 10 | Two civilians are killed by the Taliban. |
2019.01.06 | Iraq | Dibis | 1 | 6 | Terrorists kill a civilian in a targeted bomb attack. |
2019.01.06 | Afghanistan | Ab Kamari | 7 | 9 | Seven Afghans are shot to death by a group fighting for Sharia. |
2019.01.06 | Mozambique | Mpundanhar | 7 | 7 | Seven civilians are hacked to death with machetes by suspected Jihadists. |
2019.01.06 | Afghanistan | Kilagi | 1 | 0 | A highway guard is murdered by the Taliban. |
2019.01.06 | Mozambique | Nailwa | 1 | 0 | A farmer is killed and cut into pieces by Religion of Peace proponents. |
2019.01.06 | Afghanistan | Qadis | 14 | 0 | An attack by a Sunni group leaves fourteen dead. |
2019.01.05 | Yemen | Taiz | 2 | 16 | An elderly woman and a child are reduced to rubble by an Ansar Allah mortar round. |
2019.01.05 | Yemen | Mudiya | 2 | 0 | An al-Qaeda attack leaves two dead. |
2019.01.05 | Egypt | Nasr City | 1 | 2 | A bomb left outside a church kills a police officer. |
2019.01.05 | Pakistan | Mehmoodabad | 1 | 3 | A group of radicals attack rivals at a mosque, killing one. |
2019.01.04 | Somalia | Hamar Bile | 1 | 0 | A man driving through a village is shot in his car by al-Shabaab. |
2019.01.04 | Afghanistan | Nawa | 7 | 0 | Seven border guards are cut down by Taliban gunmen. |
2019.01.04 | India | Tral | 1 | 0 | A Sikh minority is shot to death by suspected Muslim militants. |
2019.01.03 | Afghanistan | Baghlan | 8 | 2 | Eight Afghan police manning a checkpoint are machine-gunned by Sunni fundamentalists. |
2019.01.03 | Tunisia | Jilma | 0 | 0 | Two suicide bombers manage to kill only themselves. |
2019.01.03 | Syria | Daraa | 2 | 0 | Two civilians are taken apart by Sunni shrapnel. |
2019.01.03 | Philippines | Basilan | 4 | 1 | A Muslim gunmen takes down four civilians. |
2019.01.03 | Iraq | Mosul | 3 | 0 | Three brothers are murdered in cold blood by the Islamic State. |
2019.01.03 | Nigeria | Banki | 2 | 7 | Boko Haram open fire on a group of traders, killing two guards. |
2019.01.03 | Pakistan | Zaman | 1 | 0 | A Shiite activist is shot to death by Sunni rivals. |
2019.01.02 | Nigeria | Damasak | 5 | 0 | Five aboard a helicopter are killed when it is fired on by Boko Haram. |
2019.01.02 | Nigeria | Kwata | 6 | 0 | A half-dozen villagers are slaughtered by gunmen shouting praises to Allah. |
2019.01.02 | Libya | Sabha | 3 | 1 | Three Libyans are killed by two sucide bombers. |
2019.01.02 | Afghanistan | Maiwand | 5 | 2 | Religious radicals tunnel into a local barracks and kill five soldiers. |