Zamordować pół tysiąca osób, to dużo czy mało? Dla religii głoszącej pokój w jej okresie najbardziej świętym to trochę za dużo. Dla Allaha natomiast, który chce wymordować całą ludzkość, to wciąż za mało.
Polscy muzułmanie wyjaśniają nam:
„Ramadan to miesiąc, w którym zesłany został Koran jako przewodnictwo dla ludzi, uświadomienie drogi prostej i rozróżnienie między prawdą i kłamstwem.” mówi nam Bóg w Świętej Księdze (2: 185).
Kolejny raz doświadczymy wspólnie Ramadanu, miesiąca świętego, przypisanego muzułmanom przez Boga. Jest to okres nie tylko próby dla ciała, które pozbawimy w określonych porach jedzenia i picia, ale nade wszystko sprawdzian dojrzałości duszy, sprawdzian mocy serca, sprawdzian naszej wiary.
Więc jeśli mamy trochę rozumu i wiemy, że ramadan jest sprawdzianem wiary muzułmańskiej, możemy popatrzeć na owoce tej wiary i „rozróżnić między prawdą a kłamstwem” zgodnie z powyższym zaleceniem Koranu. W ciągu 25 dni ramadanu dokonano 131 krwawych ataków na „niewiernych”, w których zginęło 552 osoby.
Poniżej tabelka pochodząca ze strony Zwróćmy uwagę, że w ramach „sprawdzianu wiary” muzułmanie atakują meczety mordując modlących się muzułmanów (10 takich ataków miało miejsce w ciągu 25 dni ramadanu 2018 r.). Jest to normalne zjawisko, gdyż wystarczy, by jakiś imam ogłosił takfir, nazywając jakiegoś muzułmanina lub grupę muzułmanów niewiernymi, a już znajduje się mnóstwo chętnych do mordowania owych „odstępców od prawdziwej religii”. Cywilizowany naród nazwałby to „prawem dżungli” – kto kogo zdąży pierwszy uznać za niewiernego i zabić – ale muzułmanie uważają tę zasadę za sprawdzian dojrzałości duszy, sprawdzian mocy serca, sprawdzian naszej wiary.
Najciekawsze jest to, że Wysłannik Allaha jasno powiedział: „Kiedy dwóch muzułmanów zwalcza się nawzajem mieczem, obaj – i morderca, i zamordowany – pójdą w ogień piekielny”. Godna podziwu jest gorliwość, z jaką muzułmanie zapełniają muzułmanami piekło muzułmańskie.
Zatem życzmy im szczęśliwego ramadanu – ramadan karim!
I pomódlmy się, by wreszcie się opamiętali i odkryli kochającego ich Chrystusa i porzucili Allaha domagającego się zabijania (w Koranie 2:216 Allah mówi: Przepisana wam jest walka, chociaż jest wam nienawistna).
Data | Kraj | Miasto | Zabitych | .Rannych. | Krótki opis |
2018.06.09 | Saudi Arabia | Jazan | 3 | 0 | Three civilians are blown to bits by an Ansar Allah rocket. |
2018.06.09. | Afghanistan | Qala-e Zal | 25 | 0 | The Taliban storm three checkpoints and murder two dozen cops in cold blood. |
2018.06.09 | Mali | Boni | 3 | 0 | An al-Qaeda attack leaves three others dead. |
2018.06.09 | Iraq | Hadar | 2 | 0 | Two guards at a police station are shot by the Islamic State. |
2018.06.09 | Iraq | Khalis | 1 | 23 | Terrorists bomb a vegetable market, killing a bystander. |
2018.06.08 | Afghanistan | Zawol | 17 | 13 | Fundamentalists ambush and kill seventeen local security personnel. |
2018.06.08 | Iraq | Kirkuk | 1 | 14 | A woman succumbs to injury after Mujahideen bomb a shopping area. |
2018.06.08 | Afghanistan | Shindand | 7 | 2 | Prawdziwi muzułmanie rozstrzelali z broni maszynowej nieprawdziwych muzułmanów modlących się w meczecie. |
2018.06.08 | Afghanistan | Mehtarlam | 4 | 12 | Muzułmańska bomba pozbawiła życia muzułmańskiego przywódcę i kilku innych muzułmanów wychodzących z meczetu. |
2018.06.08 | Cameroon | Mangave Foya | 6 | 0 | Jihadists murder six people during a raid on a village. |
2018.06.08 | Afghanistan | Jalalabad | 3 | 4 | Two civilians and a guard lose their lives to a suicide bomber outside a lawmaker’s residence. |
2018.06.07 | Afghanistan | Khost | 4 | 3 | Muzułmanie zaatakowali meczet mordując modlących się w nim muzułmanów. |
2018.06.07 | Iraq | Baqubah | 2 | 2 | Suspected ISIS rake a passing car with gunfire, killing two occupants. |
2018.06.07 | Pakistan | Maidan | 3 | 2 | Three individuals bleed to death after being hit with an explosive device. |
2018.06.07 | India | Keran | 1 | 1 | A border guard is murdered by suspected Hizb-ul- Mujahideen. |
2018.06.06 | Mozambique. | Namaluco | 5 | 2 | Five people are hacked to death by Islamic radicals. |
2018.06.06 | Thailand | Bacho | 1 | 0 | A former village head is gunned down by ‚insurgents’. |
2018.06.06 | Kenya | Harar | 5 | 3 | Islamists plant a landmine that kills five Kenyan border security. |
2018.06.06 | Afghanistan | Pul-e-Khomri | 2 | 2 | A bomb targeting a voter registration center leaves two dead. |
2018.06.06 | Nigeria | Tse Shan | 9 | 5 | Miyetti Allah storm a village in the middle of the night and murder nine sleeping residents. |
2018.06.06 | Iraq | Baghdad | 18 | 90 | Podwójny atak bombowy dokonany przez szahidów – świadków Allaha zmasakrował modlących się w meczecie szyitów. |
2018.06.05 | Niger | Diffa | 6 | 37 | Potrójny atak bombowy dokonany przez prawdziwych muzułmanów na meczet nieprawdziwych muzułmanów. |
2018.06.05 | Syria | Idlib | 2 | 0 | Hayat Tahrir al-Sham execute two people on suspicion of membership in a rival Islamic group. |
2018.06.05 | Afghanistan | Baghlan | 2 | 1 | Two civilians are blown to bits by a suicide bomber. |
2018.06.05 | Pakistan | Mastung | 3 | 2 | Islamic State suicide bombers storm a checkpoint and kill three officers. |
2018.06.05 | Somalia | Balad | 5 | 3 | An al-Shabaab ambush leaves five dead. |
2018.06.05 | Somalia | Elka Gelow | 12 | 0 | Two lawmakers and ten body guards are taken out by an al-Shabaab rocket. |
2018.06.04 | Mozambique | Macomia | 7 | 4 | Seven villagers are hacked to death by Muslim extremists with machetes. |
2018.06.04 | Afghanistan | Ghor | 2 | 1 | Two local cops are ambushed and killed by the Taliban. |
2018.06.04 | Afghanistan | Shirullah Qala | 3 | 0 | Three children are disassembled by an ISIS landmine. |
2018.06.04 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 14 | 17 | Szahid – świadek Allaha – wysadził się w powietrze zabijając i raniąc duchownych muzułmańskich, którzy niezbyt gorliwie nauczali o potrzebnie zabijania niewiernych. |
2018.06.03 | Nigeria | Tseadough | 7 | 6 | Miyetti Allah invade a small village and shoot seven residents to death. |
2018.06.03 | Iraq | Dibs | 2 | 4 | Two local cops are aerated by Jihadi shrapnel from a roadside blast. |
2018.06.03 | Pakistan | Wana | 4 | 25 | Four activists are killed when the Taliban fire into a rally. |
2018.06.02 | Pakistan | Kam Sarubi | 1 | 3 | A local official is shot to death by Sharia advocates. |
2018.06.02 | Libya | Ajdabiya | 1 | 5 | A woman passing in a car is shot dead by Islamic State activists. |
2018.06.02 | Nigeria | Kangling | 12 | 0 | A dozen mourners at a funeral are brought down by suspected Miyetti Allah. |
2018.06.02 | Iraq | Salahuddin | 12 | 0 | Twelve members of one family are murdered in their home by Islamic State militants. |
2018.06.02 | Nigeria | Kura Falls | 3 | 0 | A 3-year-old child is among three villagers slaughtered by Miyetti Allah. |
2018.06.02 | Somalia | Bali-Khadar | 4 | 10 | An al-Shabaab attack leaves four others dead. |
2018.06.02 | Afghanistan | Binni Hisar | 1 | 3 | Fundamentalists take out an archeologist with a roadside bomb. |
2018.06.02 | Afghanistan | Kapisa | 1 | 4 | A civilian is killed during an attack by Islamic gunmen. |
2018.06.02 | Iraq | Shirqat | 4 | 0 | Four Iraqi conscripts are killed by a Mujahid bomb blast. |
2018.06.01 | Afghanistan | Charkhab | 1 | 1 | A local cop loses his life to a Taliban ambush. |
2018.06.01 | Iraq | Salahuddin | 3 | 0 | Three Iraqis are laid out by Islamic bombers. |
2018.06.01 | Yemen | Faza | 18 | 30 | Ansar Allah ‚rebels’ attack government forces in a small town, killing eighteen. |
2018.05.31 | Thailand | Khok Pho | 1 | 0 | A physician is shot to death on his way home by Muslim ‚insurgents.’ |
2018.05.31 | Syria | Jarabulus | 4 | 6 | Four civilians are laid out by a bomb planted on a motorcycle at a bus station. |
2018.05.31 | Saudi Arabia | Taif | 1 | 0 | A policeman is stabbed to death by two terrorists. |
2018.05.31 | Syria | Ariha | 3 | 5 | Three children are flattened by an explosion. |
2018.05.31 | Nigeria | Borno | 5 | 0 | Five security personnel are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram. |
2018.05.31 | Nigeria | Logo | 2 | 2 | Miyetti Allah gunman take down a couple of farmers. |
2018.05.30 | Afghanistan | Kandahar | 3 | 13 | A Sunni group blows up three civilians. |
2018.05.30 | Yemen | Zinjibar | 1 | 0 | Two al-Qaeda officials on a motorcyle shoot a man to death. |
2018.05.30 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 1 | 5 | A suicide bomber sets off a Haqqani attack on a government building that leaves one other dead. |
2018.05.30 | Afghanistan | Logar | 6 | 20 | Suicide bombers kill six Afghans. |
2018.05.30 | Pakistan | Datakhel | 2 | 3 | Two security personnel are vaporized by a Jihadi landmine. |
2018.05.30 | Afghanistan | Chesht Sharif | 2 | 0 | Two voter registration employees are murdered by the Taliban. |
2018.05.30 | Syria | Jarabulus | 1 | 0 | One civilian is killed during a suspected Ahrar al-Sham attack. |
2018.05.29 | Pakistan | Scheme Chowk | 1 | 0 | A Sikh activist is gunned down in a suspected sectarian attack. |
2018.05.29 | Iraq | Baqubah | 1 | 7 | Jihadis set off a bomb near a girls’ school, killing a bystander. |
2018.05.29 | Pakistan | Dera Ismail Khan | 1 | 0 | Terrorists gun down a cop at a commercial area. |
2018.05.29 | Somalia | Qandala | 1 | 3 | Islamic State supporters attack a port town, killing a guard. |
2018.05.29 | Belgium | Liege | 3 | 2 | A gunman shoots dead a civilian and two female police officers outside a school while shouting praises to Allah. |
2018.05.29 | Afghanistan | Dand Wa Patan | 4 | 9 | Four border guards are smoked by dedicated Sunnis. |
2018.05.28 | Afghanistan | Paktika | 5 | 0 | Militants machine-gun five people on a prison van. |
2018.05.28 | Nigeria | Jalingo | 0 | 1 | A priest is left badly injured during an attack on a Catholic seminary. |
2018.05.28 | Nigeria | Mashamari | 5 | 7 | Szahid świadcząc o pokojowości islamu wysadził się w powietrze przed meczetem zabijając i raniąc wyznawców islamu, którzy niezbyt dobrze rozmieli przesłanie tej wspaniałej religii. |
2018.05.28 | Thailand | Kapho | 1 | 0 | Muslim ‚insurgents’ are thought responsible for shooing a man to death at his home. |
2018.05.28 | Somalia | Fino | 2 | 0 | Two Kenyans are stabbed to death by al-Shabaab. |
2018.05.27 | Israel | Ramallah | 1 | 0 | An Israeli soldier dies from injuries suffered when a terrorist hits him with a large rock. |
2018.05.27 | Mozambique | Palma | 10 | 0 | Children are among ten villagers beheaded by local Islamists. |
2018.05.27 | Afghanistan | Nad Ali | 8 | 12 | A Shahid suicide bomber claims eight lives. |
2018.05.27 | India | Kakapora | 2 | 0 | A civilian is among two killed when militant Muslims open fire on an army camp. |
2018.05.27 | Afghanistan | Chishti Sharif | 2 | 0 | An election worker and one other person are dragged out of their home and shot by Islamists |
2018.05.26 | Mali | Talataye | 20 | 2 | Twenty innocents at a fair are massacred by Jihadists. |
2018.05.26 | Syria | Idlib | 4 | 50 | A suicide car bomber slams into a shelter for displace persons, killing four. |
2018.05.26 | Thailand | Chalerm | 1 | 1 | Muslim ‚insurgents’ fire into a tea shop, killing a patron. |
2018.05.26 | Syria | Aleppo | 5 | 0 | Terrorists ambush and murder five Syrian rescue workers. |
2018.05.26 | Iraq | Mutaybijeh | 4 | 0 | Four Iraqis are blown to bits by Islamic State bombers. |
2018.05.26 | Afghanistan | Shindand | 4 | 0 | Four road construction workers are murdered by suspected Taliban. |
2018.05.26 | Iraq | Duhok | 7 | 0 | Seven others die of asphyxiation during a fire started at a jail by an ISIS inmate. |
2018.05.26 | Afghanistan | Logar | 1 | 0 | A tribal elder is assassinated over support for Trump. |
2018.05.25 | Iraq | Yarmmejah | 1 | 0 | A shepherd succumbs to injuries from Mujahideen shrapnel. |
2018.05.25 | Pakistan | Dera Ismail Khan | 1 | 1 | A policeman is gunned down outside a hotel by Islamic militants. |
2018.05.25 | Iraq | Gharib | 2 | 0 | Suicide bombers storm two villages, managing to kill two guards. |
2018.05.25 | India | Hajin | 1 | 0 | Lashkar-e-Toiba slit the throat of a 38-year-old man in front of his wife and son. |
2018.05.24 | Iraq | Riyadh | 1 | 0 | Militants kill a 53-year-old by sending a mortar into her house. |
2018.05.24 | Libya | Benghazi | 7 | 10 | Islamists set off a car bomb outside a hotel, killing seven. |
2018.05.24 | Afghanistan | Maidan Wardak | 4 | 2 | Four civilians are disassembled by Sunni bombers. |
2018.05.24 | Pakistan | Kalat | 1 | 1 | Lashkar-e-Jhangvi is suspected of a landmine blast that kills a family man. |
2018.05.24 | Iraq | Jalawla | 2 | 0 | Two civilians are blown up by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. |
2018.05.23 | Iraq | Basra | 3 | 0 | Sectarian gunmen on motorbikes roll up on three civilians. |
2018.05.23 | Afghanistan | Chora | 8 | 0 | Eight security personnel are reported killed by the Taliban. |
2018.05.23 | India | Anantnag | 0 | 10 | Children are among the casualties of a Mujahid grenade attack. |
2018.05.23 | Iraq | Sleman Wahab | 3 | 1 | An ISIS attack on a family home leaves three members dead. |
2018.05.23 | Iraq | Baghdad | 7 | 16 | Gorliwy sunnita (muzułmanin) wysadził się w powietrze w parku w dzielnicy szyickiej (muzułmańskiej) uzupełniając liczbę muzułmanów w piekle muzułmańskim ku radości Allaha. |
2018.05.23 | Afghanistan | Maiwand | 1 | 0 | A kidnapped mine worker is executed in captivity. |
2018.05.23 | Somalia | Galkayo | 1 | 0 | A lawmaker is assassinated in front of a hotel by al-Shabaab. |
2018.05.22 | Syria | Palmyra | 26 | 16 | An Islamic State suicide bomber assault on a local military outpost claims almost thirty lives. |
2018.05.22 | Burkina Faso | Rayongo | 1 | 0 | Terrorists open fire on arresting officers, killing one. |
2018.05.22 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 1 | 0 | The Islamic State claims the murder of a policeman at a market. |
2018.05.22 | Afghanistan | Paktia | 8 | 12 | A wave of attacks on police by religious radicals leaves eight dead. |
2018.05.22 | Iraq | Kan’an | 1 | 0 | An elderly man is pulled from his home and shot in the head by ISIS. |
2018.05.22 | Afghanistan | Kandahar | 21 | 41 | Twenty-one people are disintegrated by a massive car bomb at a bus station. |
2018.05.22 | Yemen | Marib | 5 | 20 | Five civilians are laid out by an Ansar Allah mortar. |
2018.05.22 | Libya | Ajdabiya | 3 | 2 | A suicide bomber nails three guards at a checkpoint. |
2018.05.21 | Iraq | Tarmiya | 1 | 0 | Terrorists attach a bomb to a car which kills the driver. |
2018.05.21 | Algeria | Oued Sebaa | 2 | 0 | Gorliwi muzułmanie zamordowali dwóch mniej gorliwych muzułmanów w meczecie. |
2018.05.21 | Afghanistan | Dih Yak | 14 | 12 | Fourteen local cops are murdered by the Taliban in two attacks. |
2018.05.21 | Afghanistan | Maiwand | 5 | 1 | Five members of a team clearing mines are murdered in cold blood by the Taliban. |
2018.05.21 | Pakistan | Mochiwala | 2 | 0 | A woman and her daughter are gunned down by her brother over suspected promiscuity. |
2018.05.21 | Mali | Waaka | 2 | 0 | Two elderly men in their 80’s are shot in the head by brave Jihadists. |
2018.05.20 | Iraq | Iblig | 2 | 0 | ISIS attacks a small village and kill two guards. |
2018.05.19 | Afghanistan | Ghazni | 13 | 8 | An attack by Sunni hardliners leaves thirteen security personnel dead. |
2018.05.19 | Chechnya | Grozny | 3 | 0 | Four devout Muslim storm a church, killing two guards and a worshipper. |
2018.05.19 | Pakistan | Jacobabad | 2 | 0 | Two lovers are machine-gunned in the name of ‚honor’. |
2018.05.19 | Iraq | Hammam al- Alil | 1 | 0 | Terrorists assassinate a town’s mayor. |
2018.05.19 | Somalia | Wadajir | 1 | 0 | al-Shabaab militants affix a bomb to the car of a local security member. |
2018.05.18 | Afghanistan | Jalalabad | 8 | 55 | Jihadis plant bombs at a cricket stadium, successfully killing off eight spectators. |
2018.05.18 | Afghanistan | Ajristan | 9 | 7 | Nine Afghans are riddled with bullets by the Taliban. |
2018.05.18 | Afghanistan | Maruf | 5 | 6 | Fundamentalists machine-gun five locals. |
2018.05.18 | Iraq | Zaqar | 1 | 0 | A religious minority is left dead after a targeted bomb attack. |
2018.05.18 | Iraq | Khanaqin | 1 | 1 | A Mujahideen bomb blast claims the life of a farmer. |
2018.05.18 | Afghanistan | Nahrain | 4 | 4 | Four local cops are flattened by a Taliban rocket. |
2018.05.18 | Syria | Rafiqah | 2 | 0 | An Islamic State IED takes out two civilians. |
2018.05.17 | Egypt | North Sinai | 1 | 1 | A bomb planted by Sunni hardliners kills a passerby. |
2018.05.17 | Pakistan | Kachehri Chowk | 1 | 11 | One other person is picked off by a Shahid suicide bomber. |
2018.05.17 | India | Bona Mohalla | 1 | 0 | Islamic ‚separatists’ torture and kill a 23-year-old man at an orchard. |
2018.05.17 | Nigeria | Dikwa | 4 | 15 | Wybuch szahida w czasie modlitwy w obozie uchodźców zabił czterech muzułmanów i ranił 15. |
2018.05.17 | Afghanistan | Farah City | 3 | 0 | A Taliban rocket claims the lives of three engineers. |
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