Osiągnięcia pokojowe islamu w czerwcu 2017 r.: 1175 zabitych w 30 krajach

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Czy można mieć wątpliwości, że islam z natury swojej jest religią pokoju i tolerancji, kiedy w centrum Londynu muzułmanie masakrują niemuzułmanów z okrzykami, że czynią to dla Allaha? Tym bardziej, że to samo czynią w 60 krajach świata nieprzerwanie.

Jak bardzo islam dąży do pokoju na całym świecie, widać z jego osiągnięć: w czerwcu 2017 r. muzułmanie zamordowali dla Allaha 1175 osób w 30 krajach, i ciężko raniąc 1382 osoby. Zauważmy, że w tym czasie miał miejsce święty miesiąc muzułmańskiego postu – ramadan. Najwięcej ofiar przyniósł 1.06, kiedy 163 osoby (w większości kobiety i dzieci) pomordowano za próbę ucieczki z pokojowego Państwa Islamskiego. Dla islamofobów najbardziej przerażające mogą być masakry 3 czerwca w Londynie (z okrzykami „To dla Allaha!”) oraz poderżnięcie gardła parze Austriaków w Linz (30 czerwca). Najmocniejszym dowodem tolerancyjności islamu było wydarzenie 3 czerwca w Indiach, gdzie rodzina muzułmańska spaliła żywcem ciężarną kobietę za to, że wyszła za mąż za hinduistę (niemuzułmanina). Najciekawszym wydarzeniem był atak samobójczy w pobliżu Wielkiego Meczetu w Mekce (24.06.2017). Jak widać, prawdziwi muzułmanie nie szanują żadnych świętości w swoim niepohamowanym dążeniu do pokoju! Prosimy o zwrócenie uwagi, że ataki prawdziwych muzułmanów na meczety nieprawdziwych muzułmanów powtarzają się wielokrotnie.

Oto dane szczegółowe z chwalebnych muzułmańskich akcji pokojowych:

2017.06.30 Somalia Galkayo 2 0 Islamists are suspected of shooting two security officials to death.
2017.06.30 Afghanistan Sheb Koh 6 0 Religious fundamentalists murder six local cops.
2017.06.30 Afghanistan Achin 7 5 Two woman and two children are among seven civilians picked off by Islamic State bombers.
2017.06.30 Iraq al-Walid 10 40 An ISIS attack on a group of border guards leaves ten dead.
2017.06.30 Afghanistan Aqbalaq 10 0 Dziesięcioro „nieprawdziwych” muzułmanów zostało ściętych.
2017.06.30 Indonesia Jakarta 0 2 Two police officers are stabbed outside a mosque in a religiously-motivated attack.
2017.06.30 Cameroon Kerawa 1 0 Dwie prawdziwe muzułmanki wysadziły się w powietrze w meczecie „nieprawdziwych” muzułmanów, zabijając jedną modlącą się osobę.
2017.06.30 Syria Arsal 1 7 A young girl bleeds out from injuries caused by a Fedayeen suicide bomb attack on a refugee camp.
2017.06.30 Austria Linz 2 0 Prawdziwy muzułmanin poderżnął gardła dwojgu niewiernych w ich własnym domu w Austrii.
2017.06.29 Nigeria Kangarwa 4 0 Boko Haram kill four Nigerians with a roadside bomb.
2017.06.29 Niger Kabalewa 2 11 Two young refugees are killed in their own camp by Shahid suicide bombers.
2017.06.28 Iraq Mosul 5 0 An ISIS car bomb lays out five Iraqis.
2017.06.28 Yemen Qatn 3 0 Three local security personnel are murdered by al-Qaeda.
2017.06.28 Philippines Marawi 17 0 Gorliwi muzułmanie wymordowali 17 niewiernych, odcinając głowy pięciu z nich.
2017.06.28 Iraq Dolab 2 0 Two children are strapped with bombs and sent into a wedding.
2017.06.28 Afghanistan Badakhshan 2 0 Dwie dziewczyny (siostry) brutalnie zastrzelone dla Allaha.
2017.06.27 Afghanistan Zabul 2 0 Two police officers are ambushed and killed by the Taliban.
2017.06.27 Kenya Lamu 8 17 Four children are among eight people laid out by an al-Shabaab IED.
2017.06.27 Pakistan Kaday 1 0 Rodzina zamordowała 12-letnią dziewczynkę w ramach „zabójstwa honorowego”.
2017.06.26 Afghanistan Alisher Tirazai 1 0 Fundamentalists are suspected of gunning down a tribal elder at a mosque.
2017.06.25 Iraq Alam 14 0 Czternaście kobiet i dzieci rozstrzelano za próbę ucieczki z Państwa Islamskiego.
2017.06.25 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 One other person is killed when a Shahid suicide bomber explodes at a university.
2017.06.25 Nigeria Zannari 8 13 Cztery muzułmanki-szahidki wysadziły się w powietrze zabijając 8 osób.
2017.06.25 Indonesia Medan 1 1 A policemen on a rest break is stabbed to death by religious extremists yelling praises to Allah.
2017.06.25 Syria al-Dana 10 30 Terrorists set off a car bomb at a market, bringing down ten patrons.
2017.06.25 Pakistan Speenmark 6 2 Six young children are killed, and two others badly maimed, by a ‚toy’ bomb.
2017.06.25 Iraq Hawija 7 0 Siedem osób zamordowanych przez bojówkarzy Państwa Islamskiego pocięto na kawałki, by Allah był zadowolony.
2017.06.24 Afghanistan Salma Dam 10 4 Ten guards at a dam are machine-gunned point-blank during a surprise Taliban attack.
2017.06.24 Saudi Arabia Mecca 0 11 Pokojowi muzułmanie wysadzili się w powietrze w pobliżu Wielkiego Meczetu w Mekce.
2017.06.24 India Srinagar 1 1 A Lashkar-e-Toiba attack leaves one dead.
2017.06.24 Iraq Himreen 10 6 Ten women and children are disassembled by a targeted Islamic State bomb blast.
2017.06.24 Iraq Mosul 3 9 Shoppers at an arcade are blown to bits by two suicide bombers.
2017.06.24 Iraq Qaratapa 2 0 ISIS shrapnel claims the lives of two women.
2017.06.23 Syria Aleppo 4 12 Sunni militants send rockets into a residential area, pulverizing four civilians.
2017.06.23 Iraq Mosul 4 9 Muzułmański terrorysta-samobójca (szahid, czyli świadek pokojowego islamu) wysadził się w powietrze w meczecie zabijając 4 nieprawdziwych muzułmanów i raniąc 9.
2017.06.23 Iraq Mosul 10 40 Ten people are reportedly killed when an ISIS rocket hits a rocket.
2017.06.23 Pakistan Karachi 4 1 Terrorists gun down four off-duty cops at a restaurant.
2017.06.23 Kenya Elwak 3 3 Three people at a bank are murdered by Islamic extremists.
2017.06.23 Iraq al-Baghdadi 6 4 Four women and a child are among six civilians blown away by four suicide bombers.
2017.06.23 Syria al-Dana 2 0 Two people are wasted by a Sunni explosive.
2017.06.23 Thailand Narathiwat 0 14 A 4-year-old girl is among the casualties of a Muslim cylinder bomb.
2017.06.23 Pakistan Quetta 12 16 A dozen people are pulled into pieces by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.06.23 Iraq Mosul 13 20 Terrorysta-samobójca (szahid czyli świadek pokojowego islamu) wysadził się w powietrze wśród osób uciekających z Kalifatu, zabijając kobiety i dzieci.
2017.06.23 Pakistan Tal Adda 72 261 A vicious double-bombing in a Shiite shopping district by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claims over seventy shoppers and first responders.
2017.06.22 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Caliphate car bombers take down two Iraqis.
2017.06.22 India Krishna Ghati 2 0 Two border guards are killed during an infiltration attempt by Muslim terrorists.
2017.06.22 Afghanistan Lashkargah 29 60 A suicide car bomb outside a bank lays out thirty customers.
2017.06.22 Somalia Mogadishu 8 4 Eight bystanders are reduced to pulp when a Shahid suicide car bomber rams a police station.
2017.06.22 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Imam zamordowany przez prawdziwych muzułmanów, którzy uznali go za nieprawdziwego muzułmanina.
2017.06.22 Iraq Mosul 5 0 A bomb targeting displaced persons kills five.
2017.06.21 Pakistan Nawabshah 1 1 Młoda kobieta zamordowana przez krewnych, którzy podejrzewali ją o seks pozamałżeński.
2017.06.21 Afghanistan Baraki 2 2 Prawdziwi muzułmanie ostrzelali nieprawdziwych muzułmanów modlących się w meczecie, zabijając dwie osoby i rniąc dwie inne.
2017.06.21 Cameroon Kolofata 8 6 Eight civilians are torn to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.06.21 Nigeria Abari-Dalwa 2 6 A truck driver is among two people shot to death by Boko Haram.
2017.06.21 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 8 Two civilians succumb to ISIS shrapnel.
2017.06.21 Nigeria Madagali 2 0 Islamists strap bombs to two teenage girls.
2017.06.21 USA Flint, MI 0 1 A police officer at an airport is stabbed in the neck by a man shouting praises to Allah.
2017.06.20 Somalia Mogadishu 15 20 A Shahid suicide car bomber posing as a milk delivery man claims fifteen lives.
2017.06.20 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 3 Terrorists kill a judge with a magnetic bomb.
2017.06.20 Belgium Brussels 0 0 A suicide nail bomber attempts to aerate passengers at a train station.
2017.06.20 Thailand Pattani 1 0 54-letni nauczyciel zastrzelony przez pokojowych muzułmanów za to, że popierał proces pokojowy zamiast przemocy muzułmańskiej.
2017.06.19 Afghanistan Bagram 8 0 The Taliban ambush and murder eight guards on their way home.
2017.06.19 France Paris 0 0 A suicide bomber targets police along the Champs-Elysees.
2017.06.18 Iraq Kirkuk 34 0 34 osoby zamordowane za próbę ucieczki z Kalifatu, w tym kobiety i dzieci.
2017.06.18 Mali Bamako 5 8 Gunmen yelling praises to Allah invade a resort and murder five.
2017.06.18 Nigeria Maiduguri 16 11 Over a dozen people are disassembled by five female suicide bombers.
2017.06.18 Afghanistan Gardez 6 29 A suicide blast kicks off an assault on a police station that leaves six dead.
2017.06.18 Egypt Cairo 1 4 An ISIS-inspired group is thought responsible for a bomb that leaves one person dead.
2017.06.18 Nigeria Kayamla 8 0 Eight members of a civilian defense militia are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.
2017.06.18 France Lot-et-Garonne 0 1 Młody dżihadysta zasztyletował francuskiego farmera z okrzykami wychwalającymi Allaha. Ciężko ranny farmer jest w szpitalu.
2017.06.17 Somalia Towfiq 1 0 Three Islamists are identified as being behind the assassination of a rival cleric.
2017.06.17 Iraq Tal Afar 5 0 A family of five is exterminated by a Shiite militia.
2017.06.17 Afghanistan Alingar 4 0 Four construction workers are laid out by Sunni bombers.
2017.06.17 Mali Bintagoungou 5 8 Jihadists attack a local security post, killing five members.
2017.06.17 Somalia Lahelay 5 12 Radicals fighting for a Sharia state attack a military base and murder five local troops.
2017.06.17 India Pinglana 1 0 Muzułmanie zamordowali dla Allaha mężczyznę przed jego własnym domem.
2017.06.17 Thailand Pattani 6 4 A brutal roadside bomb attack by Muslim ‚insurgents’ kills six local soldiers.
2017.06.17 Nigeria Wajirko 3 0 Muslim radicals ambush and murder three local soldiers.
2017.06.17 Nigeria Gumsuri 5 0 Boko Haram chwalebnie zamordowało 5 bezbronnych wieśniaków na chwałę Allaha.
2017.06.16 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five civilians are captured and strung up by the Islamic State.
2017.06.16 Israel Jerusalem 1 2 Terrorists carve up a female border guard with knives.
2017.06.16 India Achabal 6 0 Islamic radicals ambush and murder six local cops, then mutilate the bodies.
2017.06.16 Kenya Mandera 4 11 A bomb planted by al-Shabaab claims four lives.
2017.06.15 Cameroon Limani 2 7 A 3-year-old child and one other civilians are reduced to pulp by a female suicide bomber.
2017.06.15 Thailand Yarang 1 0 52-letni buddysta zastrzelony przez gorliwych muzułmanów.
2017.06.15 India Bogund 1 0 A police officer is gunned down outside his home by Lashkar-e-Toiba.
2017.06.15 Afghanistan Kabul 4 8 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a Shiite mosque, killing four members.
2017.06.15 India Hyderpora 1 1 Muslim terrorists attack a police patrol in a drive-by, killing one member.
2017.06.15 Afghanistan Shaikhabad 3 1 Three children are wiped out during a firefight following a Taliban attack on a checkpoint.
2017.06.15 Somalia Balcad 3 7 al-Shabaab extremists kill three members of a local security patrol with a roadside bomb.
2017.06.15 Pakistan Chamkani 3 1 Islamic radicals machine-gun three passing cops point-blank.
2017.06.14 Afghanistan Balkh 1 0 Nauczycielka zamordowana przez Talibów, bo Allah nie lubi, kiedy kobiety nauczają w szkole.
2017.06.14 Somalia Mogadishu 31 27 5 dziewczynek znalazło się wśród ofiar wybuchu samobójczego w restauracji i masakry w hotelu, które przyniosły wielka chwałę Allahowi i udowodniły, że islam jest religią pokoju.
2017.06.14 Iraq Mosul 15 0 Four Iraqis are killed during a massive suicide assault by ISIS.
2017.06.14 Afghanistan Jani Khail 2 7 Motorcycle suicide bombers kill two others.
2017.06.14 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 3 A bomb planted by the Taliban takes out a bystander.
2017.06.14 Afghanistan Gereshk 4 5 A suicide bomber targets Religion of Peace rivals, killing four.
2017.06.13 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.06.12 Yemen Baddah 2 0 Two local soldiers are killed by al-Qaeda suicide bombers.
2017.06.12 Egypt Sherbin 1 0 Fundamentalists gun down a police detective.
2017.06.12 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man is shot to death in his home by Muslim ‚insurgents.’
2017.06.12 Thailand Pattani 2 1 Two men are gunned down in separate attacks by suspected terrorists.
2017.06.11 Thailand Yaring 2 1 Muslim militants kill two people in separate attacks.
2017.06.11 Iraq Diyala 2 5 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes two other souls with him.
2017.06.11 Pakistan Haripu 1 0 A journalist who advocated on behalf of religious minorities is assassinated by suspected fundamentalists.
2017.06.11 Saudi Arabia Masoura 1 2 Suspected Shiite radicals kill a local soldier with a roadside bomb.
2017.06.11 Burkina Faso Soum 2 0 A farmer is among two shot to death by Jihadists.
2017.06.11 Nigeria Komdi 3 12 Pokojowo nastawieni muzułmanie ostrzelali wieś zabijając co najmniej 3 osoby i raniąc 12.
2017.06.11 Nigeria Tuyan 2 6 Two villagers are killed by Boko Haram and six women are captured.
2017.06.11 Nigeria Kayamla 8 0 Eight members of a civilian defense force are ambushed and killed outside their village by Boko Haram.
2017.06.11 Pakistan Quetta 3 0 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi members roll up on a police checkpoint and machine-gun three officers.
2017.06.10 Iraq Shirqat 19 40 About nineteen civilians lose their lives when ISIS members attack their town.
2017.06.10 Iraq Habda 8 8 Eight Iraqis are flattened by a Jihadi car bomb.
2017.06.10 Afghanistan Gardez 3 9 W ataku prawdziwych muzułmanów na meczet nieprawdziwych muzułmanów zabito 3 osoby i zraniono 9. Allah jest wielki! I zapewne pokojowy.
2017.06.10 Nigeria Yale 2 0 Two village guards are picked off by Boko Haram snipers.
2017.06.10 Thailand Yarang 1 1 Suspected terrorists open fire on two men riding a motorcycle, killing one.
2017.06.10 Cameroon Mayo-Sava 4 2 One other person dies after Boko Haram members strap bombs to three little girls.
2017.06.10 Syria Kobane 2 3 An ISIS landmine eliminates two children, ages 4 and 13.
2017.06.10 Iraq Zanjili 8 5 Eight civilians are killed when the Islamic State sends mortar rounds into a residential area.
2017.06.09 Tunisia Mount Ouergha 1 0 Fundamentalists kill a local with a roadside blast.
2017.06.09 Nigeria Adamawa 2 3 Two children are disassembled by a suspected Boko Haram bomb blast.
2017.06.09 Cameroon Hambagda 4 6 Zgodnie z nakazem Koranu gorliwi muzułmanie poderżnęli gardła niewiernym, których spotkali.
2017.06.09 Iraq Musayab 3 15 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out three bystanders at a bus station.
2017.06.09 Iraq Karbala 31 34 A female suicide bomber detonates in a Shiite market, slaughtering over thirty innocents crowded around her.
2017.06.08 Iraq Zanjali 13 0 The Islamic State takes out thirteen women and children with chlorine gas.
2017.06.08 Iraq Qurret Tabah 1 0 Islamists shoot a man to death in front of his family.
2017.06.08 Iraq Abu Saida 2 2 Jihadis bomb a market, killing two bystanders.
2017.06.08 Somalia Af Urur 59 38 Beheaded women are among fifty-nine killed when al-Shabaab overrun a small town.
2017.06.08 India Nawgam 1 2 Pakistani-backed terrorists kill an Indian border guard.
2017.06.08 Pakistan Mastung 2 0 Muzułmanie porwali i zamordowali dwoje Chińczyków, bo według nich Chiny są wrogiem islamu.
2017.06.08 Mali Kidal 3 8 An al-Qaeda attack on a group of peacekeepers leaves three dead.
2017.06.08 Nigeria Maiduguri 14 24 Islamists rock a small town with suicide bombers and heavy guns, killing about fourteen residents.
2017.06.08 Pakistan Gujrat 1 0 A young woman is honor killed by her brother after being raped.
2017.06.07 Iran Tehran 12 32 At least twelve others are killed when a suicide bomber detonates at a parliament building.
2017.06.07 Iran Tehran 2 10 Two Fedayeen suicide bombers attack a Shiite shrine, killing two patrons.
2017.06.07 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 8 Two children are among three refugees wiped out by suspected ISI.
2017.06.07 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Five women and a child are exterminated by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.06.07 England London 0 1 Kobieta zadźgana przez trzy muzułmanki wysławiające Allaha. Jej winą było to, że nie miała zasłoniętej twarzy.
2017.06.06 Iraq al-Farouq 15 0 Fifteen women are cut down by ISIS machine-gun fire.
2017.06.06 Iraq Hit 7 3 A Shahid suicide bomber blows up seven innocents at a market.
2017.06.06 Afghanistan Herat 7 15 A bomb left outside a rival mosque claims the lives of seven innocents.
2017.06.06 France Paris 0 1 A radicalized Muslim attacks a cop with a hammer outside the Notre Dame cathedral.
2017.06.06 Kenya Mandera 1 1 Islamists are suspected of firing on a van and killing a woman.
2017.06.06 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Two cops are hunted and killed by Religion of Peace loyalists.
2017.06.06 Kenya Garissa 4 0 Religious extremists take out four aid workers with a landmine.
2017.06.05 Somalia Kismayo 3 20 An al-Shabaab bomb takes the lives of three people.
2017.06.05 Australia Melbourne 1 4 An ISIS-inspired migrant from Somalia kills a man and takes a prostitute hostage.
2017.06.05 Iraq Baghdad 1 4 A 10-year-old boy is disassembled by an ‚insurgent’ mortar fired into his family home.
2017.06.04 Iraq Zanjili 32 24 A wave of suicide bombers produces thirty-two dead Iraqis.
2017.06.04 Pakistan Talibul Moula 1 0 An 18-year-old girl is shot to death by her father for ‚having an affair.’
2017.06.04 Pakistan Spini 2 0 Two Hazara religious minorities are gunned down for their faith.
2017.06.04 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 1 Two religious men join the police and then gun down six colleagues in cold blood.
2017.06.04 Pakistan Quaidabad 1 0 A barber is shot to death in his shop by sectarian Jihadis.
2017.06.03 India Bijapur 1 1 Rodzina muzułmańska spaliła żywcem ciężarną kobietę za to, że wyszła za mąż za hinduistę (niemuzułmanina).
2017.06.03 Canada Scarborough, ON 0 1 A woman pledges to ISIS and then attacks a store employee with a knife.
2017.06.03 Iraq Shifa 41 0 Forty-one civilians are reported murdered by ISIS as they attempt to flee the caliphate.
2017.06.03 Algeria Ferkane 2 4 Fundamentalists kill two local soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2017.06.03 Burkina Faso Soum 5 0 A family of three is among five wiped out by Muslim terrorists.
2017.06.03 Afghanistan Kabul 20 87 Three suicide bombers detonate at a funeral, killing twenty mourners.
2017.06.03 Pakistan Nawabshah 2 0 Two people are murdered over alleged adultery by the woman’s brother-in-law.
2017.06.03 Iraq Halabsah 1 3 Four suicide bombers manage to kill only one other person.
2017.06.03 Philippines Marawi 1 0 A 70-year-old is picked off by an Islamic sniper.
2017.06.03 India Lower Munda 2 4 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen members ambush and killed two local security personnel.
2017.06.03 England London 8 48 Trzej imigranci z okrzykami „To jest dla Allaha!” urządzili rzeź w rejonie London Bridge.
2017.06.02 Tunisia Sidi Bouzid 1 0 A young shepherd is kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic extremists.
2017.06.02 Cameroon Kolofata 11 30 Eleven are left dead when Islamists strap two girls with bombs and send them into a refugee camp.
2017.06.01 Iraq Zanjili 7 23 Seven civilians are murdered for trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.06.01 Niger Abala 6 0 Armed Jihadists roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun a half-dozen border guards.
2017.06.01 Germany Oldenburg 1 0 A father of two is stabbed to death by two Muslims for smoking during Ramadan and refusing to fast.
2017.06.01 Afghanistan Behsud 1 4 A security guard outside an airport is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.06.01 Yemen al-Hazm 6 15 Terrorists set off a bomb at a marketplace that takes six lives.
2017.06.01 Iraq Mosul 163 0 163 osoby, w tym kobiety i dzieci, pomordowano za próbę ucieczki z Kalifatu.

Ofiary religii pokoju w marcu 2017 r.: 922 zabitych, 1110 rannych

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