O wy, którzy wierzycie! Czyż mogę ukazać wam handel, który by was wybawił od kary bolesnej? Będziecie wierzyć w Allaha i jego Posłańca! Będziecie walczyć na drodze Allaha waszym majątkiem i waszymi duszami! …Wtedy on przebaczy wam wasze grzechy i wprowadzi was do ogrodów, gdzie w dole płyną strumyki, i do mieszkań przyjemnych w ogrodach Edenu. To jest osiągnięcie ogromne! (61:10-12)
To jest osiągnięcie ogromne, że religia pokoju utrzymuje licznik trupów na poziomie tysiąca ofiar miesięcznie – w sierpniu 2017 r. w ponad 30 krajach zabito dla Allaha 1013 osób, a 1090 zostało rannych. Szczególnie przerażające są następujące wyczyny ujęte w tabeli poniżej: kobieta (31 sierpnia w Iraku) zabiła 3 osoby w ataku samobójczym, tego samego dnia policjantowi w Szwecji poderżnięto gardło zgodnie z nakazem Koranu (47:4), inna kobieta wysadziła się w powietrze w Iraku 29 sierpnia zabijając matkę z dzieckiem, 27 sierpnia grupa muzułmanów w Pakistanie do śmierci pobiła chrześcijańskiego chłopca, 25 sierpnia w Beligii Somalijczyk ubiegający się o azyl z Koranem w ręku i pochwałami dla Allaha na ustach zaatakował policjantów zadając im rany maczetą, 25 sierpnia w Londynie gorliwy muzułmanin z okrzykiem „Allah akbar” wjechał samochodem w policjantów i zaatakował ich mieczem, 23 sierpnia w Libii 14 osób zostało ściętych przez Państwo Islamskie, 22 sierpnia w Nigerii dziecko dokonało ataku samobójczego zabijając cztery osoby, 19 sierpnia w Rosji gorliwy muzułmanin zaatakował z nożem przechodniów na ulicy przed sklepami, 18 sierpnia w Finlandii gorliwy muzułmanin zarżnął dla Allaha dwie kobiety na ulicy miasta, 18 sierpnia w Kenii troje chrześcijan otrzymało propozycję przyjęcia islamu, a kiedy ich odpowiedź była negatywna, zostali ścięci, 17 sierpnia w Barcelonie mężczyzna został zadźgany przez muzułmanina na chwałę Allaha, a inny muzułmanin samochodem wjechał w tłum raniąc ponad 100 osób i zabijając 14, w tym trzyletnie dziecko razem z matką. Allah nie posiada się z radości! Czy to nie wystarczy, by zrozumieć, jak bardzo pokojową religią jest islam? Czyż nie mówi święty Koran (49:15) jasno i wyraźnie:
Wiernymi są tylko ci, którzy uwierzyli w Allaha i jego posłańca – potem nie mieli wątpliwości – i walczyli swoimi majątkami i swoimi osobami na drodze Allaha.
Czy jest na świecie druga tak pokojowa religia, która tak konsekwentnie bez przerwy popełniałaby zbrodnie na tak wielką skalę?
Tabela zawiera dane ze strony The Religion of Peace
2017.08.31. |
Iraq |
Tal Afar |
3 |
7 |
Terrorystka-samobójczyni oddała chwałę Allahowi zabijając 3 osoby. |
2017.08.31 | Burkina Faso | Djibasso | 1 | 0 | Religious radicals shoot a border guard to death. |
2017.08.31 | Algeria | Tiaret | 2 | 0 | A suicide bomber detonates at a police station, killing two, including an officer who sacrificed himself. |
2017.08.31 | Kenya | Tanu | 2 | 3 | Two people are killed when al-Shabaab members plant landmines in the road and then machine-gun survivors. |
2017.08.31 | Libya | Nofaliya | 2 | 2 | An Islamic State suicide bomber detonates at a checkpoint, killing two guards. |
2017.08.31 | Nigeria | Tudun Wada | 2 | 4 | Muzułmanie zgodnie z nakazem koranicznym zabili chrześcijanina i jego syna, porywając trzy kobiety i małe dzieckiem jako łup. |
2017.08.31 | Sweden | Stockholm | 0 | 1 | Zgodnie z nakazem koranicznym 47:4 muzułmanin uderzył policjanta nożem w szyję. |
2017.08.30 | Afghanistan | Phusht Koh | 3 | 0 | Three police are vaporized by a Taliban roadside bomb. |
2017.08.30 | Kenya | Nyongoro | 1 | 0 | A truck driver is shot to death by Islamists. |
2017.08.30 | Nigeria | Banki | 18 | 0 | Islamists butcher eighteen young people with knives. |
2017.08.30 | Afghanistan | Jalalabad | 2 | 0 | At least two people are killed during a suicide attack on a lawmaker’s house. |
2017.08.29 | Nigeria | Konduga | 1 | 4 | Boko Haram kill a farmer and kidnap four others. |
2017.08.29 | Philippines | Talipao | 3 | 0 | Abu Sayyaf gunmen shoot three people to death. |
2017.08.29 | Iraq | Baghdad | 2 | 7 | Jihadis plant a bomb at a sheep market that takes out two patrons. |
2017.08.29 | Iraq | Tal Afar | 2 | 5 | Gorliwa muzułmanka przedostała się do obozu uchodźców i wysadziła się w powietrze zabijając też inną kobietę z dzieckiem. Allah jest bardzo zadowolony! |
2017.08.29 | Syria | Mhardeh | 1 | 6 | A child is pulled into pieces by a Sunni rocket. |
2017.08.29 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 5 | 9 | Five people at a bank are obliterated by a Shahid suicide bomber. |
2017.08.28 | Iraq | Abu Dshir | 3 | 6 | Three people are disassembled by Mujahideen shrapnel. |
2017.08.28 | India | Mehandi Kadal | 1 | 0 | A cop is brutally gunned down by Islamic militants. |
2017.08.28 | Myanmar | Maungtaw | 7 | 5 | Four women are among seven non-Muslim villagers hacked to death by a large group of Muslim terrorists. |
2017.08.28 | Dagestan | Khasavyurt | 2 | 0 | Two police officers are killed when Islamic radicals open fire on them. |
2017.08.28 | Iraq | Baghdad | 10 | 28 | Jihadis bomb a wholesale market, killing ten patrons. |
2017.08.28 | Dagestan | Kaspiisk | 1 | 1 | Terrorists stab a police officer to death. |
2017.08.28 | Syria | al-Dour | 2 | 3 | Women are among the casualties of a Sunni terror attack. |
2017.08.28 | Kenya | Lafey | 2 | 3 | al-Shabaab members murder two border guards. |
2017.08.28 | Pakistan | Barmal | 2 | 3 | Advocates for a Sharia state plant a landmine that kills two security personnel. |
2017.08.27 | Iraq | Baghdad | 3 | 6 | A Jihadi car bomb sends three souls to Allah. |
2017.08.27 | Iraq | Baghdad | 2 | 4 | Two bystanders are laid out by a Mujahideen bomb blast. |
2017.08.27 | Afghanistan | Nawa | 13 | 19 | Thirteen Afghans are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber outside a market. |
2017.08.27 | Afghanistan | Dilaram | 2 | 0 | Islamists open fire on a car carrying police, taking out two in cold blood. |
2017.08.27 | Pakistan | Vehari | 1 | 0 | Chłopiec chrześcijanin został pobity do śmierci przez grupę muzułmanów. Allah się bardzo cieszy! |
2017.08.26 | Myanmar | Rakhine | 6 | 0 | Six Hindu civilians are murdered by Muslim ‚insurgents’. |
2017.08.26 | Iraq | Tal Afar | 18 | 0 | Eighteen Iraqis are found summarily executed by the Islamic State. |
2017.08.26 | India | Pulwama | 8 | 8 | An early morning Jaish-e-Mohammad attack leaves eight dead. |
2017.08.25 | Belgium | Brussels | 0 | 2 | Somalijczyk ubiegający się o azyl z Koranem w ręku i pochwałami dla Allaha na ustach zaatakował policjantów zadając im rany maczetą. |
2017.08.25 | Afghanistan | Kandahar | 4 | 7 | The Taliban attack a local security post, killing four members. |
2017.08.25 | Cameroon | Gakara | 15 | 8 | A Sunni Jihadist group murders fifteen villagers and burns thirty-five homes. |
2017.08.25 | England | London | 0 | 3 | Gorliwy muzułmanin z okrzykiem „Allah akbar” wjechał samochodem w policjantów i zaatakował ich mieczem. |
2017.08.25 | Myanmar | Rakhine | 12 | 0 | Muslim ‚insurgents’ stage pre-dawn raids on security posts, killing twelve members. |
2017.08.25 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 28 | 50 | At least twenty-eight innocents are slaughtered during a Sunni suicide attack on a Shiite mosque during prayers. |
2017.08.25 | Nigeria | Odigbo | 1 | 2 | A farmer is murdered and mutilated by Fulanis and two women are raped, including a 72-year-old. |
2017.08.24 | Iraq | Bakriya | 1 | 3 | Terrorists kill a civilian outside a shop. |
2017.08.24 | Iraq | Hawija | 8 | 0 | Caliphate members douse eight civilians with tar and then set them on fire. The victims include a baby. |
2017.08.24 | Syria | Zahraa | 2 | 3 | Two girls are reduced to pulp by a Sunni rocket. |
2017.08.24 | Afghanistan | Pota | 4 | 0 | Four Afghans are eliminated by Taliban shrapnel. |
2017.08.24 | Nigeria | Kijimatari | 7 | 6 | Boko Haram open fire on sleeping villagers, killing seven. |
2017.08.24 | Nigeria | Mallam Moduri | 5 | 5 | Five civilians are cut down in cold blood by Boko Haram. |
2017.08.23 | Nigeria | Nganzi | 15 | 12 | Islamic terrorists rampage through four villagers, killing fifteen people and burning their homes. |
2017.08.23 | Afghanistan | Lashkar Gah | 7 | 38 | Women and children are among seven lives extinguished by a suicide bomber at a parking lot. |
2017.08.23 | Libya | Jufra | 14 | 0 | 14 osób zostało ściętych przez Państwo Islamskie. |
2017.08.23 | Nigeria | Muna Garage | 5 | 11 | A Shahid suicide bomber kills five other people. |
2017.08.23 | Pakistan | Chiniot | 2 | 0 | Two radicals murder a local preacher and his companion over a religious disagreement. |
2017.08.22 | Nigeria | Kijimatari | 6 | 0 | Boko Haram slit the throats of six villagers. |
2017.08.22 | Nigeria | Amchide | 4 | 0 | Dziecko dokonało ataku samobójczego zabijając cztery osoby. |
2017.08.22 | Iran | Pishin | 2 | 0 | Sunni extremists fire on a government building, killing two guards. |
2017.08.21 | Iraq | Taji | 1 | 2 | Terrorists take down a civilian with a planted bomb. |
2017.08.21 | Philippines | Tubigan | 9 | 16 | Abu Sayyaf members rampage through a village, burning homes and killing nine. |
2017.08.20 | Egypt | Arish | 1 | 0 | An Islamist sniper picks off a cop at a checkpoint. |
2017.08.20 | Egypt | Rafah | 1 | 5 | Fundamentalists plant a bomb that leaves one person dead. |
2017.08.20 | Afghanistan | Helmand | 12 | 15 | A dozen Afghans are cut down by religious extremists. |
2017.08.20 | Lebanon | Ain el-Hilweh | 1 | 3 | Members of a Sunni Islamist group fire on a security building at a refugee camp, killing one. |
2017.08.20 | Nigeria | Damaturu | 2 | 3 | Boko Haram gunmen murder two highway travelers. |
2017.08.20 | Lebanon | Jurud Arsal | 3 | 1 | Three local security personnel are blown to bits by Islamic State bombers. |
2017.08.20 | India | Shopian | 1 | 0 | The owner of a cable network is assassinated by Islamic ‚separatists.’ |
2017.08.20 | Iraq | Alam | 1 | 1 | A Shahid suicide bomber kills one other person. |
2017.08.20 | Syria | Damascus | 6 | 10 | A suspected Tahrir al-Sham rocket lays out six patrons at a trade fair. |
2017.08.20 | Pakistan | Karachi | 3 | 0 | Three men are brutally executed by Ansar-ul-Sharia. |
2017.08.19 | Syria | Latakia | 2 | 0 | Terrorists kill two passersby with a car bomb. |
2017.08.19 | Afghanistan | Sarkano | 2 | 8 | Two girls are killed when the Taliban fire rockets into a residential area. |
2017.08.19 | Iraq | Baghdad | 2 | 1 | A university professor is among two people taken out by Mujahideen bombers. |
2017.08.19 | Pakistan | Dera Ismail Khan | 1 | 0 | Sectarian Jihadis gun down a rival outside a mosque. |
2017.08.19 | Russia | Surgut | 0 | 8 | Gorliwy muzułmanin zaatakował z nożem przechodniów na ulicy przed sklepami. |
2017.08.18 | Afghanistan | Nawa | 5 | 6 | Fundamentalists attack a police checkpoint and murder five officers. |
2017.08.18 | Finland | Turku | 2 | 6 | Gorliwy muzułmanin zarżnął dla Allaha dwie kobiety na ulicy miasta. |
2017.08.18 | Iraq | Debis | 7 | 0 | Seven members of a family are brutally murdered in their own home by caliphate loyalists. |
2017.08.18 | Kenya | Maleli | 4 | 0 | Troje chrześcijan otrzymało propozycję przyjęcia islamu, a kiedy ich odpowiedź była negatywna, zostali ścięci. Został też zabity mężczyzna chory psychicznie. |
2017.08.18 | Syria | Raqqa | 15 | 0 | Fifteen people are reportedly killed in a suicide bombing near a mosque. |
2017.08.17 | Dagestan | Khasavyurt | 2 | 2 | Two people are laid out by a bomb blast. |
2017.08.17 | Spain | Barcelona | 1 | 0 | Mężczyzna zadźgany przez muzułmanina na chwałę Allaha. |
2017.08.17 | Burkina Faso | Djibo | 3 | 2 | A bomb planted by suspected Islamic militants leaves three dead. |
2017.08.17 | Pal. Auth. | Gaza | 1 | 2 | A suicide bomber kills a border guard |
2017.08.17 | Iraq | Qaim | 3 | 0 | Three brothers are forced to their knees and shot in the head for refusing to join the caliphate. |
2017.08.17 | Afghanistan | Zabul | 3 | 0 | Three children are disassembled by Taliban shrapnel. |
2017.08.17 | Afghanistan | Greshk | 3 | 0 | Three civilians are cut to shreds by a suicide bomber. |
2017.08.17 | Spain | Barcelona | 14 | 130 | Muzułmanin samochodem wjechał w tłum raniąc ponad 100 osób i zabijając 14, w tym trzyletnie dziecko razem z matką. Allah nie posiada się z radości! |
2017.08.17 | Spain | Cambrils | 1 | 6 | Five Jihadis drive their car into a crowd of people, then stab a woman to death. |
2017.08.16 | Thailand | Nathawee | 1 | 0 | Muslim militants raid a car dealership and kill an employee. |
2017.08.16 | Iraq | Baiji | 10 | 7 | Ten Iraqis are taken out by suicide bombers. |
2017.08.16 | Spain | Alcanar | 1 | 6 | A woman is killed in a house blown up accidently by an Islamic cleric making a bomb. |
2017.08.15 | Pakistan | Yazman | 1 | 0 | A 24-year-old woman is chopped up with an axe by her family for marrying against their will. |
2017.08.15 | Egypt | Arish | 2 | 0 | Two policemen are killed in separate attacks by religious fanatics. |
2017.08.15 | Iraq | Qurret Tabbah | 5 | 0 | Three children are among a family of five exterminated by Jihadi bombers. |
2017.08.15 | Kenya | Alijize | 5 | 1 | Five local cops are ambushed and murdered by al-Shabaab. |
2017.08.15 | Afghanistan | Chardara | 4 | 20 | Four Afghans are blown to bits by a suicide car bomber. |
2017.08.15 | Nigeria | Mandarari | 27 | 83 | Suicide bombers attack a market and a refugee camp, slaughtering over two dozen. |
2017.08.14 | Syria | Damascus | 1 | 0 | An accused gay man is thrown from a rooftop by caliphate members. |
2017.08.14 | Afghanistan | Firuzkoh | 3 | 0 | Three Catholic Relief aid workers are brutally gunned down. |
2017.08.14 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 1 | 1 | An al-Shabaab bomb blast near a hotel kills a taxi driver. |
2017.08.14 | Yemen | Qatabah | 17 | 7 | The lives of seventeen civilians are cut short by al-Qaeda shrapnel. |
2017.08.14 | Mali | Timbuktu | 8 | 7 | Muslim terrorists open fire on a UN headquarters, killing eight people. |
2017.08.13 | Syria | Damascus | 1 | 0 | A man is shot in the head for ‚abandoning Islam.’ |
2017.08.13 | Pakistan | Chak | 3 | 0 | A woman is shot to death along with her husband and baby for marrying against her family’s permission. |
2017.08.13 | Egypt | al-Arish | 2 | 6 | Fundamentalists attack a police vehicle, killing two officers. |
2017.08.13 | Burkina Faso | Ouagadougou | 18 | 8 | Jihadis open fire on a restaurant, slaughtering eighteen innocents point-blank. |
2017.08.13 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 3 | 0 | Terrorists shoot three people to death near a popular picnic area. |
2017.08.13 | Iraq | Nada | 4 | 0 | Four policemen are ambushed and murdered by Islamic extremists. |
2017.08.13 | India | Srinagar | 1 | 0 | Angry Muslims hurl a petrol bomb at a checkpoint, burning alive an innocent civilian. |
2017.08.13 | Afghanistan | Herat | 2 | 0 | Two people are shot to death by the Taliban. |
2017.08.13 | Turkey | Istanbul | 1 | 1 | A Jihadi stabs two officers at a police station. |
2017.08.12 | Syria | Sarmin | 7 | 0 | Ahrar al-Sham militants are suspected of shooting seven rescue workers in the head. |
2017.08.12 | Nigeria | Wanori | 4 | 6 | Boko Haram attack a village, killing four residents and burning homes. |
2017.08.12 | Pakistan | Quetta | 15 | 32 | An Islamic State suicide bomber at a market claims fifteen souls. |
2017.08.12 | Iraq | Hawija | 4 | 8 | ISIS bombers pick off four fleeing refugees. |
2017.08.12 | India | Zainapora | 4 | 3 | Terrorists open fire on a group of local security personnel, killing two members and two civilians. |
2017.08.12 | Iraq | Hawija | 5 | 0 | A judge and four others are executed and hung from light poles by the caliphate. |
2017.08.11 | Afghanistan | Dawolat Abad | 12 | 0 | Women and children are among a dozen civilians reduced to pulp by an ‚insurgent’ rocket. |
2017.08.11 | Pakistan | Tando Adam | 1 | 0 | A mentally-disabled man is shot to death by radicals for ‚blasphemy’. |
2017.08.11 | Iraq | Khouser | 2 | 0 | Two brothers are shot in the back of the head by the Islamic State. |
2017.08.11 | Nigeria | Jere | 2 | 0 | Islamists murder two tractor operators working on a farm. |
2017.08.11 | Pakistan | Karachi | 2 | 0 | Ansar-ul-Sharia gunmen assassinate a local official and his driver. |
2017.08.11 | Pakistan | Naawagai | 3 | 26 | Islamic bombers target a truck carrying civilian laborers, killing three. |
2017.08.11 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 1 | 3 | A suicide bomber kills at least one other person. |
2017.08.10 | Iraq | Baghdad | 1 | 7 | A planted bomb takes down a passerby. |
2017.08.10 | Yemen | Dhamar | 1 | 0 | Shiite radicals are suspected of assassinating a politician at a Sunni mosque. |
2017.08.10 | Iraq | Mosul | 2 | 3 | Islamic State snipers pick off two family members crossing a bridge. |
2017.08.10 | Nigeria | Ghumbili | 1 | 0 | At least one person is reported dead after Boko Haram storm a village and set fire to dozens of homes. |
2017.08.10 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 1 | 3 | A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes down at least one other person. |
2017.08.10 | Iraq | Islah | 1 | 0 | A shepherd is kidnapped and murdered by sectarian militants. |
2017.08.09 | Yemen | Salif | 1 | 0 | A fisherman is captured and tortured to death by a Shiite militia. |
2017.08.09 | Pakistan | Sherotkai | 4 | 0 | Two suicide bombers kill at least four. |
2017.08.09 | Egypt | Arish | 4 | 0 | Islamic State loyalists open fire on a police car, killing four occupants. |
2017.08.09 | Pakistan | Dunai Karora | 2 | 0 | A young couple is shot to death for being in an extramarital relationship. |
2017.08.09 | Iraq | Hawija | 27 | 0 | Over two dozen civilians are forced to their knees and shot in the head by Islamic State members. |
2017.08.09 | Afghanistan | Bagram | 3 | 1 | Three women are shot to death by Muslim terrorists. |
2017.08.09 | France | Paris | 0 | 6 | A Muslim living illegally in France deliberately plows his car into a group of soldiers. |
2017.08.08 | Egypt | Qowaysna | 2 | 1 | Suspected radicals open fire on a police patrol, killing two members. |
2017.08.08 | Yemen | Juhayn | 4 | 8 | Four others are killed by an al-Qaeda suicide bomber. |
2017.08.08 | Pakistan | Multan | 2 | 2 | A woman and her husband are killed by her brother for marrying by choice. |
2017.08.07 | Iraq | Mosul | 4 | 7 | Two women are among four people killed by terrorists. |
2017.08.07 | Iraq | Baghdad | 1 | 0 | An accomplished athlete is murdered by suspected fundamentalists. |
2017.08.07 | Pakistan | Lahore | 2 | 35 | A bomb planted on a fruit truck produces thirty-seven casualties. |
2017.08.07 | Philippines | Maguindanao | 2 | 0 | Two people are killed allegedly by Islamic State bombers. |
2017.08.07 | Iraq | Diyala | 1 | 0 | A farmer in an orchard is murdered by terrorists. |
2017.08.07 | Iraq | Tanf | 68 | 85 | Sixty-eight ‚apostates’ are said to be killed in a targeted suicide attack on Iraqi troops in a Shiite town. |
2017.08.06 | Pakistan | Manga Mandi | 1 | 0 | A woman is honor-killed by her husband for not obeying him and leaving her job. |
2017.08.06 | Pakistan | Madina | 3 | 0 | Three women are tortured and stabbed to death in a gruesome honor killing. |
2017.08.06 | Afghanistan | Mirza Olang | 52 | 0 | At least 50 people, including children, women and the elderly are massacred by a Sunni attack on a Shiite village. |
2017.08.05 | Iraq | Ramadi | 3 | 3 | Jihadis bomb a funeral, killing three mourners. |
2017.08.05 | Cameroon | Amchide | 8 | 4 | At least eight innocents are slain by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. |
2017.08.05 | Iraq | Mosul | 30 | 0 | Thirty victims of ISIS torture and execution are discovered in a mass grave at a market. Some had their hands cut off. |
2017.08.05 | Iraq | Hadba | 4 | 0 | Sectarian Jihadis torture four civilians to death. |
2017.08.05 | Nigeria | Duguri | 14 | 0 | Fourteen people are massacred by Boko Haram. |
2017.08.05 | Nigeria | Dabar Wanzam | 17 | 0 | Seventeen fishermen are slaughtered by an Islamic group. |
2017.08.04 | Iraq | Mosul | 2 | 0 | Two brothers are gunned down by Islamic State loyalists. |
2017.08.04 | Iraq | Mosul | 7 | 4 | Seven Iraqis are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber. |
2017.08.04 | Syria | Dana | 10 | 30 | Children are among ten killed by a suicide car bomber at a market. |
2017.08.04 | Nigeria | Maiduguri | 0 | 2 | Three suicide bombers detonate at a hospital. |
2017.08.04 | Iraq | Aghawat | 3 | 0 | A suicide bomber kills three Iraqis. |
2017.08.04 | Iraq | Tash | 40 | 0 | A mass grave is discovered, containing forty victims of ISIS execution. |
2017.08.04 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 2 | 0 | Two brothers are shot to death by religious extremists. |
2017.08.04 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 3 | 5 | A suicide bomber takes out three pedestrians near a hotel. |
2017.08.04 | Iraq | Tal Afar | 4 | 0 | A man and his three sons are executed by the Islamic State. |
2017.08.04 | India | Kanelwan | 1 | 0 | A civilian is killed during crossfire after terrorists attack a security patrol. |
2017.08.04 | Egypt | Esna | 2 | 3 | Two people are cut down when Islamic extremists open fire with automatic weapons. |
2017.08.04 | Kenya | Shakako-Moa | 3 | 0 | Three fishermen are abducted and beheaded by al-Shabaab. |
2017.08.03 | Saudi Arabia | Awamiya | 1 | 1 | A civilian succumbs to injuries following a terror attack on displaced families. |
2017.08.03 | Afghanistan | Qarabagh | 3 | 12 | A Shahid suicide bomber takes out three locals. |
2017.08.03 | India | Shopian | 2 | 0 | Muslim terrorists open fire on a group of security personnel, killing two. |
2017.08.03 | Kenya | Lafey | 1 | 0 | A group fighting for Sharia launches RPGs at two vehicles, killing one occupant. |
2017.08.03 | Syria | Idlib | 2 | 10 | Two bomb blasts leave two civilians dead. |
2017.08.03 | Afghanistan | Gereshk | 5 | 20 | A suspected suicide bomber kills at least five near a foreign exchange market. |
2017.08.03 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 3 | 1 | Two children are among three civilians disassembled by Islamic bombers. |
2017.08.03 | Myanmar | Maungdaw | 6 | 0 | Three woman are among six Buddhists hacked to death by Muslim ‚insurgents’ |
2017.08.03 | Afghanistan | Alwazi | 5 | 0 | A family of five is exterminated by the Taliban. |
2017.08.02 | Iraq | Mosul | 3 | 4 | Women and children among the casualties of an Islamic State bomb blast. |
2017.08.02 | Israel | Yevne | 0 | 1 | A supermarket employee is stabbed by a radicalized Palestinian. |
2017.08.02 | Yemen | Redhoom | 6 | 3 | An al-Qaeda suicide bombing leaves six others dead. |
2017.08.02 | Afghanistan | Kandahar | 3 | 4 | A Fedayeen suicide car bomber in a burqa two Americans and one German. |
2017.08.02 | Kenya | Kipini | 3 | 5 | Islamists fire on a bus along the highway, killing three passengers. |
2017.08.02 | Nigeria | Miltho | 7 | 10 | Boko Haram storm a village, shooting and beheading seven innocents. |
2017.08.02 | Iraq | Mosul | 2 | 1 | Jihadis booby-trap a house, picking off two family members. |
2017.08.01 | Thailand | Pattani | 2 | 4 | Muslim bombers target a group of teachers, killing two guards. |
2017.08.01 | Afghanistan | Herat | 32 | 66 | A suicide bomber detonates at a Shiite mosque, sending thirty-two worshippers straight to Allah. |
2017.08.01 | Afghanistan | Nawa | 6 | 3 | A half-dozen local cops are cut to pieces by Taliban extremists. |
2017.08.01 | Iraq | Zanjili | 8 | 0 | A woman and child are among a family of eight, obliterated in their own home by ISIS shrapnel. |
sierpień | RAZEM | 1013 | 1090 |